Im back!!! New pad new grow! 2013 djaj grow. Check it out


Active Member
So had an ok season last year. And now that I'm at my new house. I'm going bigger. I started 6 plants feb first. Being I'm In Cali. They r doing good now but sumthings munchin on them. We have 3 people I'm our house with there card so we can have as many plants as we need so I plan on starting more. Can someone help me figure out how to stop them from getting eaten


Well-Known Member
Neem oil or azamax or some of sns sprays they have.

Rotate between a couple and it should help out.

Some also get stronger when theyre older.

Not every strain but ones known for resistance to mold/pests.


Active Member
check the underside of the leaves for pests and maybe check under the pot for slugs even. you can clean the whole plant off with antibacterial soap mixed with 2 parts water, just keep it wet for a few minutes to choke the bugs then rinse it off.