but yeah, hopefully you grow for personal use in the future, no point in really doing it for any other reason.
When I first got started into growing, that's all it was for.
For personal use.
I got tired of paying the obscene prices for weed and
having to deal with the bad elements of society in order to get it.
I didn't know a guy like myself who lives in a good neighborhood.
I always had to drive in some kind of crack neighborhood in order to get it.
I remember one time that when I went to go get it, I got pulled over just for looking like someone who doesn't belong in that neighborhood.
I remember telling the cop that I got off the exit due to an accident on the expressway and
I couldn't find my way to get back on.
When I first started producing decent weed, I just smoked it with my friends. I never really gave it away unless it was for a birthday gift or something.
Or I used it in trade to get services done.
I started selling it for profit when I dumped a whole bunch of money into my grow op.
I bought better lighting.
I bought a Co2 system
I bought better nutrient
I even drove all the way to Ontario, Canada to get really good seeds.
I think I spent close to a $1000 on seeds.
I mostly was just trying to get some of the money back that I put into it.
I didn't need the money.
I make decent money with my job.
I even felt funny having to charge for it from my friends.
When I first started selling it, I remember that I only charged like $50/quarter. That was about 5 years ago.
I didn't start charging the everyday regular street price until a really good friend of mine said that I have the best weed around.
Meaning that; There was no question or doubt when you bought from me if you were gonna get what you paid for.
In fact my prices were still a little bit below the average.
When people bought from me, they got killer weed for middies prices.
Plus, I really wasn't making a huge profit.
I never kept books.
But I was making about as much as a decent fulltime job.
Basically I was putting alot at risk and getting a little in return.
Your right, it is the economy.
Alot of people are out of work.
People just don't have the money.
Plus, I'm tired of the game.
It's not fun anymore.
Actually I'm sick-n-tired of being high.
I know...That sounds wierd.
But it's true, I'm sick of being unmotivated.
I'm sick of not caring about anything.
I'm sick of being a drug dealer.
Plus, I'm getting too old for this shit.
When I told my friend that I'm done growing. He told me, that by Feburary everyone will talk about the weed they used to get for really good prices.