I'm gonna be a daddy!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be a daddy!!!

I am a bit of a recluce so I don't have many people to share it with.
I was just starting to accept a childless, meaningless life, just yesterday I was feeling some pangs of resentment when Jeremy Clarkson showed pics of his little ones.

Bad news is we heard yesterday mywife is being retrenched.

I suppose you can't win em all.


Well-Known Member

i don't think childless is meaningless either. in fact, i do not want children. i think children are for the benefit of the parents because life isn't all peacy and fun. i wouldn't want to put it on another person & I feel bad for the younger generation.


Well-Known Member
Congrats! Now be mindful of everything, because the Family Law courts will use you as a whipping boy for 20 years if they ever see you in their domain.


Well-Known Member

i don't think childless is meaningless either. in fact, i do not want children. i think children are for the benefit of the parents because life isn't all peacy and fun. i wouldn't want to put it on another person & I feel bad for the younger generation.
Pretty much no part of my life has been peachy. Always treasures and riches becond but slipped at the last moment, and that does not even include my health, my body seems adamant on rejecting my soul it seems some times.

I suppose if I could work again I would have been happy with the 7 cats and the dog(signs of compensating for a child?), and wife.

When I lost my dad a few years ago I soon realised that the only thing we leave behind in which we can be recognised, is our children.

PS I live in Africa, we don't quite have the child theft racket you guys have with CPS, I guess we have enough aids orphans for the sicko's.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much no part of my life has been peachy. Always treasures and riches becond but slipped at the last moment, and that does not even include my health, my body seems adamant on rejecting my soul it seems some times.

I suppose if I could work again I would have been happy with the 7 cats and the dog(signs of compensating for a child?), and wife.

When I lost my dad a few years ago I soon realised that the only thing we leave behind in which we can be recognised, is our children.
if that's how you feel...

i don't desire to leave anything behind.

i am sure you will be a great dad & i am happy for you.

I hope your health improves. my health s ucks too. i'd hate to pass my bad genetics on to a child. i would consider adopting but not now and not to leave someone behind but to help give someone a better life. it's all about them, not for me and my ego.


Well-Known Member
Its about more than me, I am the last male of my family line, which has basicaly been a line of friggen geniuses compared to me, just all struck down too early.
Just think about it, since the first humans walked the earth your family line has found a way to keep itself around.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Congratz man..... Bringing new life in this world is something else... different feeling.... good to hear tho bro would smoke something right now for u ol friend but I have difficutlies right now so im about to eat so I'll say a prayer or sumn... Peace homie


Well-Known Member
i don't feel the need to do it. i am not close with m family. i am also not traditional, not religious... i don't feel the need to raise a biological peron. i don't care about carrying on a name. many people have the same name.


Well-Known Member

Best thing in the world........except for the sleepless nights, mountains of diapers, screaming and yelling (not to mention the noise the kid makes :).

Very cool.


Well-Known Member

Best thing in the world........except for the sleepless nights, mountains of diapers, screaming and yelling (not to mention the noise the kid makes :).

Very cool.
Lol, I know, I don't even let my cats sleep outdoors. It's gonna kill me.

Oh about the name thing, its not so much the name as the DNA that concerns me, we potentialy live almost etarnaly as long as our DNA stays in the pool.
I'm an only child and my dad was always sickly (deformed heart) so this made my family very tight. We had to function as a unit, I would never believe it if you told me when I was 20, I would turn out to become my dad, which I did.

Either way, I've always had a few akward female traits like realy liking children and being very "maternal".


Well-Known Member
Congrats ANC , thats awesome! I don't have any kids yet, that I know of, but I'll have to give my wife my little soldiers eventually.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Congrats Anc,

I'm sure your child like mine, will be the best thing to happen to you.

Good luck and best wishes for the little sprog!