I'm Growers, Please Help!


Active Member
I live in macomb county michigan. Can someone please definativly tell me about are tapwater. I am going organic and the first and most important ? i have is my water disinfectants. Do they use traditional chlorine or the more modern chlorimine. If it is chloramine i have read i need a active carbonated filter to remove the choramine. And as i understand it chlorine can be bubbled out in 24 hours. I called my local water dpt (no help), and went on city of detroits website and cant find a definitive answer.


Well-Known Member
Just smell the water if it smells like a pool you got chlorine, if you do you need to let it sit out for 48 hrs in a pail or some other large surface area. If you have chlorimines you need a fiter as you stated. Most water with chlorimines is fine for plants.
go to the store and buy test strips for pool chlorine, that will let you know if its too crazy for your plants. If its got a high reading leave the water out overnight and check in the morning most likely it will be on the low side. hope this helps. good luck with your grow.