im having difficulty diagnosing this problem with leaf color w/2 masterkush

2 masterkush's, the health never seemed effected by the leaf colors. some leafs were also burned on the tips in wierd places. used soil, pure water, and blackstrap SAM_0845.jpgmollasses.


to me they seemed over fed with the burning and all. I used a mixture of potting soil and Organic garden soil. and the mollasses i use contains 25% magnesium, so if anything it was overload. I guess i just answered my own question then.


Well-Known Member
Do you by any chance have any calmag cause Im telling you ive had the same problem and it was totally a mag def


If this continues than you plant will look like this


Well-Known Member
yes when all else fails you can flush them, but if you do i would feed right after cause honestly that looks like a def and not nute burn.. Mol doesn't have that much of a nutrient value you still have to feed them a bloomer if your using mol