I'm high of of Spice

I few friends called me up and smoked me out to some spice. This is one of those legal strains that's supposed to contain cannibinoids.

I'm a person that doesn't believe in that (I hate hooka, just never got to me).

Spice got me high, like blasted. I couldn't believe it, it looks like weed too. My eyes are really red right now but I just wanted to know if anyone here has tried this or something like it..and is it safe? as safe as weed...:joint:



Active Member
Some things don't even need an answer. My eyes got red from grilling some burgers. Yo I'm not going to smoke the ashes from the grill either.


Well-Known Member
I have been on probation for a while now and have smoked plenty of spice, but it has some side effects that I dont like. For one it gives the worst cottonmouth, and I always get sooo fucking paranoid. And after the high goes away I get really depressed.

And I have heard that smoking spice kills brain cells like huffing gas does.
I've tried it or something like it at least, but i haven't really done it recently cause i heard on the news that smoking too much of it causes kidney failure. Bud's better anyway B]