im hoping your guess is better than mine


so here it is: ive got 2 beautiful rooted clones im trying to grow in a peatmoss/pearlite mix. (not sure of the strain but its an explosive growing type) also have 5 more of same strain in a dome being cloned and 3 bag seeds all in pearlite. Temperatures got outta hand for a couple days 30+ but now under control 21-26 with the majority of time being 24+ , rh is low at 20-25%, exhaust is 50cfm in and 40 cfm out , got an 8in fan underneath my 400w mh blowin across the closet. Everything in the dome doesnt apply to this because there new to the room and have been kept under optimal conditions, the two clones with roots however havent grown a milimeter in a month , the roots are over a foot long, bright white from what i can see( 2 litre pop bottles wrapped in garbage bags) the leaves are a healthy green, strong, alert not drooping, there is some minor nute burn on the leaves ,been there since before it was cloned , friend sprayed his plants with lights on got spots in a few places, the veins on boths plants are yellow?also the stems appear to be purple/red with same colored spots on the stalk? its not a strain where this naturally occurs(seen it grown before).


come on guys!!!!!! anything at all !!!!!dont care if they die as long as the problem can be corrected before the others are ready to come out of the dome ,All i need is a couple of suggestions that sound like they may work so i can experiment on them seperately