I'm Joining the Military


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I need some skriz since granny gave up ma grow. I need some free housing, healthcare, maybe a free education, and later some help with buying my own house, and of course paydays in between. Can I sign up for just two years, or do I have to do four? Also, I don;t want to go to the dessert or Africa to fight ebola or anything dangerous really. Can I join as a conscientious objector? I bet I could make general as one of those.

Any tips?
Yeah, I need some skriz since granny gave up ma grow. I need some free housing, healthcare, maybe a free education, and later some help with buying my own house, and of course paydays in between. Can I sign up for just two years, or do I have to do four? Also, I don;t want to go to the dessert or Africa to fight ebola or anything dangerous really. Can I join as a conscientious objector? I bet I could make general as one of those.

Any tips?
Clayton, imo the military will suck, unless they will allow you to do something that interests you. Judging by some of your posts, I believe that you are too much of a free-thinker to tolerate the military for an extended period of time. 8-)
Yeah, I need some skriz since granny gave up ma grow. I need some free housing, healthcare, maybe a free education, and later some help with buying my own house, and of course paydays in between. Can I sign up for just two years, or do I have to do four? Also, I don;t want to go to the dessert or Africa to fight ebola or anything dangerous really. Can I join as a conscientious objector? I bet I could make general as one of those.

Any tips?

Are you sure you don't want to subscribe to AmnesiaHaze and my service? We could get you a sweet setup.
knew this pissant once who was required to guard a stockpile of munitions in desert storm. no ciggies or matches.

best get the op back in gear.
Maybe try and find a way to do service in the army of some poxy European country? One that stays well out of conflict. Switzerland, for example. Probably heavy on the skiing, light on Ebola-body-burning, and as long as the cuckoo clocks are safe I think they give a fuck who's gold they're paying you with.
Might join myself...
To join the

You must:
Air Force
  • Be between the ages of 17-27. *
  • Have no more than two dependents.
  • Pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude test. (Minimum AFQT Score: 50)
  • Be between the ages of 17-34. *
  • Have no more than two dependents.
  • Pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude test. (Minimum AFQT Score: 31)
Coast Guard
  • Be between the ages of 17- 39*
  • Have no more than two dependents.
  • Pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test. (Minimum AFQT Score: 45)
  • Have a willingness to serve on or around the water.
  • Meet exacting physical, mental, and moral standards.
  • Be between the ages of 17-29. *
  • Pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test. (Minimum AFQT Score: 32)
  • Women are eligible to enlist in all occupational exception of combat arms specialties: infantry, tank and amphibian tractor crew members.
  • Be between the ages of 17-34. *
  • Pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. (Minimum AFQT Score: 50)
  • Women are eligible to enlist in all occupational fields, with the exception of serving in the Navy Seals or on submarines.
Depending on how much cock you suck and how much you give up your ass im sure you could be sent to an outpost somewhere in south america thats kinda chilled. Either that or go to the army, ask for the most dangerous posting, get there and when no one looksduring an attack shoot your finger off or something. Maybe a leg would pay you more? I dont know man i think the bigger the body part you lose the more you get paid, sop if you dont wanna lose anything big just shoot your dick, no? Remember when no one is looking ok?
Yo clayton, former Air Force here. Army does 2 year enlistments, 1 year if prior service. Just remember its an 8 year commitment no matter what. If you do 2, your still on the hook for recall for 6. 4 years, 4 on the hook. And recruiters lie. And if you pick a field with a high enlistment bonus it about guarantees a stop loss.

Don't carry a gun for your field of choice. Go avionics or communications or radar. Something that gets you paid when you get out.
If You go gaurd the GI bill will pay about 900 bucks month tax free plus the kicker plus post 9/11. That will get you about 1400 month tax free plus what little you get paid for you weekend.
Hey Straxx, what's the asterisk on the ages? I'm in my 40's. I have a few special talents they may able to utilize, but I don;t want to be in general population and answer to some asshole career guy who thinks he's god.


Join one of the ever increasing numbers of private security contractors operating abroad. They usually pay you much better in the short run but they don't have as many post-service bennies as the trad armed forces. There is a lot less paperwork when you kill somebody unless it is a friendly. The age restrictions don't exist on account of the lawsuits and there is way less training. Plus, if you show signs of mental instability you don't have to worry about a less than honorable discharge. Oh, and you can use your own guns.

But nobody will say "thank you for your service."
Most contractors won't take ya w/o military exp.... was 11b Army.... White is right 8 yr commitment..You would be better off being a nasty girl(NG) if you like staying around were your at...You don't get a bonus for signing up with a buddy...Your MOS will have a signing bonus attached to it you get half when you finish BCT/ the other half when you finish AIT......Once your done with your time whether it's 2-3-4yrs the remainder of your 8 will be spent in a IRR(Inactive Reserve Regiment)But you do get 2g's for every sucker you get to sign up under you....housing allowance's are nice but your better off with dependency pay IDK how many buddies of mine married girls and split it just for the xtra K a month but there where quite a few..... My 2 cents