Im just cloning and i can see small buds!! What will happen to my clones???


Hi Everyone,
Been here a while now not posted much. Ive got a problem tho.. Ive had these plants fpr a while now, i need to clone them but theyve been somewhat neglected for the last few weeks. They've been getting bad lighting spells for a while now(in out of room) because of space issues im having due to flowering of a batch just harvested ect ect... (I've just had an amazing xmas harvert, dutch lsd, beautiful!!!) Anyway they have been on 24hr for few weeks now as i wanted to keep them in veg for a while but im not too good sure now to either, 1 - keep in veg clone later?? , 2 - clone and swap to flower after a week or so??

Basically, the pics speak for themselves, plants are bubblegum, round 3 months old, hydro grown under a 250watt cfl untill flower then 400hps, theyre not lookng to good and they are showing starts of buds.. What is the best thing to do?? any help would be great this is my third grow and would love some help, been meaning to do this post for a while now

Thanks in advance!!



Well-Known Member
the bad lighting spells put them in flower ... be careful with your lights .. too much stress isnt good for them ...

happy growin


Active Member
Clone now.. first week and a half or so you can still take clones. They usually root faster but you lose a week getting them to re veg.

Edit* if you want to flower right now then clone now but if you want to veg longer, get your light schedual locked down and keep vegging. Either way you can take clones any time really but best in veg or before 2 week flowering.


Well-Known Member
I took clones later in flower in my last grow and they revegged just fine under a 24 hr cfl. One of the harvested plants revenges just fine too


Hi, thanks for the quick replys.. I think im going to take a few clones. do you think i should try trim the budsites and they are quite hairy??


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't trim. be prepared and don't freak at the clones leaves, when taken from a flowering mother they are like little basil leaves but it's all good :peace: