Im looking for advice on live shatter

I was thinking of chopping one of my girls down and freezing the bud in my friends chest freezer for 24 hours than pack my stainless tube and blast with butane. Never done it with fresh bud any tips or tricks would be nice like i said the tube is stainless & its 2"diam. and 12" long
Thank you much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Post in the concentrates section and you will find more replies.

Make sure that you don't pack it too tightly or it will "channel" and all the butane will just go through the weakest path leaving a lot of material unwashed. A Medium chop is best as well, more surface area but too fine and you encourage channeling.

I would freeze the packed tube as well before the run. You can even toss some dry ice in there with it while it freezes if you wanna get it really cold but honestly I think you start locking up some terps then.

Obviously gloves are a must and you should always wear safety eye wear in case of a back shot of butane and weed bits lol. No sparks, outdoors and all that jazz.
Ok thank you Renfro now i just gotto figure out whats the best time to harvest what ive been hearing is bet. 4-5:30a.m its just the plants are normally covered in dew