Im Looking Over a 4 Leaf Clover

Mort Fink

New Member
Anybody see this before? have any idea what it means or why it happened? This happened to several leaves on a couple different plants in the same crop. 4 leaves not a deformed 3rd leaf or anything but 4 leaves on one, another had 6 leaves. Some had even and odd leaves sets on the same plant Good luck i guess. 4 leaf clover.jpgbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that is a lower leaf from a newborn plant, if not it could be in the genetics but as the plant gets older and taller the number of blades will increase

Mort Fink

New Member
I'm guessing that is a lower leaf from a newborn plant, if not it could be in the genetics but as the plant gets older and taller the number of blades will increase
I don't understand what you mean by saying it a lower leaf from a newborn plant, it is a genuine 4 leaf, I have 2 different plants in my crop are doing this the even number leaf is always much smaller, but is a distinguished leaf of its own just doesn't get as big as the others.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
just a phenotype in the plant man thats all. if you top or trim high up in the plant you will have this happen too. i have one now that ive been topping alot so theres an array of leaflet sets on mine as well. just like people all plants grow differently. its not special or good luck. nice lookin indica from what i can tell. looks like a lower leaf if i had to guess. got any pics of the rest of her

Mort Fink

New Member
pligs2.jpgpligs3.jpgHere they are, just came back from the dead (thrips) so they are not looking there best. 400 watt hps with only about 40 watts side CFL's, but gonna up the CFL's soon. Any knowledge on 5000k CFLs? I know they are most commonly in 2700 or 6500. 2700k bud and 6500k veg, yada yada. Do yo think 5000k would be good for veg, do plants soak up this spectrum? They must right? What hps is around 2000k and MH 3000k?