i'm making a small grow room can i use white plastic bags or cardboard for the walls?

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Flat white paint is the second best I used those white plastic garbage bags from DG store. No money it worked.

I should be able to work soon so I'll get what I need then.

They have some mylar that blocks the infared snoops. I'm going to get some of that.

If you can put up cardboard and then paint the cardboard that would be better than the white plastic


Well-Known Member
the inside of many potato chip bags are mylar, also you can buy super cheep mylar backed wrapping paper at most stores that sell wrapping paper. personally i would rather get a bottle of spray on glue and tack the alumanum foil straight to the walls, this will elliminate all "hotspots" my current growroom that i am building i used an exterior gloss varnish to stick the foil to the box nice and snug, then alumanum tape to seal the corners, after all that i put like 4 coats of varnish on top of the foil to make it good and durable. most grow shops sell mylar pretty cheep by the yard, but screw it, i have always liked foil for small spaces...


Well-Known Member
..................hotspots? I have mylar on my medium size closet walls and always wondered about the random reflection spots created by the staples I used to put it to the walls........
Should I be concerned to flatten it out like a "mirror" rather than a "funhouse"?


Well-Known Member
ug not alumanum, sorry polyfoil was the word i was looking for, don't use regular tin foil, it's only like 50 percent reflective... as for a funhouse look, i do'nt know for sure but you would think it would be like a dimpled light reflector...more spread out light reflection.


Well-Known Member
he is talking about the mylar being completely flat or slightly wrinkled, it's just a metaphore, chill out buddy.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to ask questions on your thread middleoftheair but I was thinking of doing something similar using some of that painters plastic sheets that they use to cover shit up when painting. Well I was thinking of hanging theses up in a corner of my room and making a box shape out of them and then covering the painters plastic in mylar. (just a thought)

Does anybody think that this could work?


Well-Known Member
Yeah. My bro made a small square grow area in framed plastic bags. He used white ones and didn't bother with mylar. It worked allright if you don't plan on many grows with a temporary gig.....
Good luck!


Active Member
i just had the same problem. im building a room and dont know if i should board it up with ply wood or to build a frame and line it with mylar. but i think i am going to go with the white/black mylar as my roof and plywood as my wall


Well-Known Member
sorry rambler, i did not mean to aim that one at you, it was meant for viredd, who assumes anyone who uses the word funhouse to describe a mirror must be a kid...

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
I'm 50 + and I try to be a kid every chance I get. Some of these people here crack me up and I love it. Having fun with good company and learning at the same time.

It don't get any better than this except maybe a kick ass bud to share with a friend


Well-Known Member
lol im young for how long ive been growing, doesn't mean i don't know what im doing and i don't take offence. i don't however like to give advice to people i suspect are underage, though im not saying anyone on this thread is i just think if your parents don't want you growing in their house im not going to help...


Well-Known Member
no disrespect meant, but....card board, plastic bags, tape. i guess if you plan on using cfl. HID and heat are two peas in a pod and should never be combined with half ass techniques. not imo but overall. if your serious about growing be serious about the risks. and if you do use cfl's in your rinky dink grow box expect a small yeild and know that the risk to reward ratio is only as good as you put the time effort and money into. but if you want to use it only a couple times and dont care about the results and dont care that you will get into the same trouble as doing it right then i say go for it. good luck! but if you do want to do it right then i say spend time reading this forum. riskk to reward. unless, where you live it is legal to grow... then disregard everything i have said.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok everbody play nice now.Or you will have a timeout and have too sit with the pot plants and chillout.lol If you want a temporary grow box get a cardbroad refriderator box from a appilance store.A couple cans of spray paint and cfls ,a fan and there you go .cheap grow box,just temporary
One other thing comes too mine is that you can put one together and test out a experiment.Side by side test or different ways to grow,even keep a mother plant.Well that's my two cents, Peace


Well-Known Member
i just dont want to see another person go kto jail for growing this harmless plant! i can get very passionate sometimes, i apologize.