Im moving. Is my plant going to have time to finish??


Active Member
Well my plants starting its 4th week since showing a white hair, and it is way too bushy and big to take with me. I will be growing at my new house, in a 10 by 10 wood storage shed, i just cant take it for the trip. i have to be out august 1st, cause i gave a 2 month notice. today is the 18th of june. so, my question is, will my baby finish before i move?


Active Member
also, note there is a smaller plant, in the bucket, ill probly try to spare and take with me when i go, ill just trim out teh other plants branches 1 by 1


Active Member
yah i could, we are going to have a cargo van with a trailer when we move. i could try to put in the can but idk..


Well-Known Member
Wait just a minute.... you've been 12/12 from seed? And it's 60 days old? and only been flowering for 3 weeks? You must have vegged then, because a 12/12 from seed plant ( depending on strain ) would be finishing up in another any case, I don't think you'll make a chop before you move, just too soon.....


Active Member
yes the plants 60 days old. and i grow bubble ponic, the plant didnt show sex since 3 weeks ago. it was under 12/12, i didnt veg. also i have 6 weeks and 3 days till i gotta be out, to go to the house we bought. and it SHOWED SEX 3 WEEKS AGO. so thats about 9 weeks since it showed sex. ill probly have to just harvest early,


Active Member
Wait just a minute.... you've been 12/12 from seed? And it's 60 days old? and only been flowering for 3 weeks? You must have vegged then, because a 12/12 from seed plant ( depending on strain ) would be finishing up in another any case, I don't think you'll make a chop before you move, just too soon.....
and if you read my post correctly, i never said it was flowering for 3 weeks..


Well-Known Member
You're reading the wrong attitude into my comment. I wasn't dissing you, just counting in my head ( which is medicated at the present ) and it didn't add up....just chop 'em about a week before you roll, you'll be good. Nice lookin' plants !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You're reading the wrong attitude into my comment. I wasn't dissing you, just counting in my head ( which is medicated at the present ) and it didn't add up....just chop 'em about a week before you roll, you'll be good. Nice lookin' plants !!!!!!
alright now the plant showed sex 3 weeks ago, and the plants been growing 8 weeks. 8 - 3 = 5, there u have it, 5 weeks to show sex from seed on 12/12, this sounds about right judging from others who 12/12 from the start. i want some of ur meds if there messin u up so bad u can't do basic subtraction. just a little joke


Well-Known Member
Del6666, supchaka and myself would heartily disagree.......12/12 from seed and your plants show sex around Day 21, give or take 2 days.....


Active Member
Well ive obviously been 12/12 from seed, if you check out my grow, i guess bubble ponics really changes things, also my plants huge and way bigger then soil 12/12, people say you dont yield shit 12/12 but im going to get an ounce easy.. This is why im 12/12 for now on! my plants hit the bottom of my closet shelf, i had chairs propping them up cause i didnt think they would get so big 12/12, i had to lower them cause they grew above the lights.. also note, i lowered the left light thats in the pic, i had just moved the plants down and i took pic before i moved that light down.

