Im new, My Grow!

Does this help anyone?

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Active Member
Well like it says im new here but have been lurking for some time now whilst growing..

when i first started i had some knowledge about growing.. basics as they grew i learned.

I am using soil, one 980 lumens spotlamp thing and another light for my smaller projects(both on same timer). i am only growing 1 biggun' the smaller things you see are poppies and i hope to grow a bonsai style plant :) just for kiks.

i had some nute burn on first 2 set of leaves but no more since (from MG soil) and took the supports away once i learned how to strengthen the stems. The big one is my first grow, i have another one vegging right now that i will LST. i can only hope my biggun' is a female, if not i have 3 more to wait for..

this is a LOW LOW budget ghetto grow. total cost so far.. $30. This was mostly about learning for me as i like to jump into this kind of thing, and my next grow will be MUCH better thanks to what i have learned from this place!


Active Member
O yes, so far two questions,

1. should i remove leaves with nute burn?

2. Topping, which i hope is cutting off top node, should i do that to my newer plant during veg, or wait till flowering


Well-Known Member
1. Yes you can remove the dead leaves, cut them off as close to the stem as you can. The bottom first set of leaves aren't needed anyways.

2. Yes you should top during veg, top when your plant has atleast 4-6 nodes.


Active Member
should i still top my biggun' then? i dont know what that will do as far as weight + balance n such.... or should i leave it alone for fear of too much stress leading to maledom?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
If you decide to top then it should be done at least 2 weeks before turning them to flower.


Active Member
If you decide to top then it should be done at least 2 weeks before turning them to flower.
I top my plants usually within 5-7 days into the 12 hour cycle. It has worked great for me. I am only going for 2 main colas, and that has worked for me :shock:

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I top my plants usually within 5-7 days into the 12 hour cycle. It has worked great for me. I am only going for 2 main colas, and that has worked for me :shock:
You are probably sacrificing yield by doing that as you just stress the plant which can stunt its growth and also it doesnt give the new colas any time to really develop before flowering.


Well-Known Member
here is a quote via "babygro" you might be able to lowball these but for the most part I agree with what he has to say. Right now yours are still really young, so that's why they don't seem to be hurting to much should read alot of other threads in the cfl area of the forum, my first grow i used cfls and I used two 42w cfls on one plant and I barely harvested 20 grams. Id reccomend getting them on sale and picking up about 8-10 cfl lights.

Read this quote by babygro

Plants in seedling and clone stage require about 400-500 lumens per square foot. In vegetative growth they require about 2,500 lumens per square foot and in flowering, they require about 10,000 lumens per square foot.

The most important thing about light, is to understand that it diminishes rapidly the further away it is from the target. Now, As I'm sure you know, HID systems output a fair amount of heat and that means they cannot be used particularly closely to the plant tops for fear of burning them, so for a 400w (or 430w) system it would need to be about 2 feet from the plant tops. So if a 400w system outputs 53,000 lumens at source, it's represented as 53,000 lumens at a distance of 1 foot from the target. The Inverse square law is light intensity (output in lumens) divided by distance (distance the target is from the source) squared. So for a 400w system outputting 53,000 lumens we now know this will be outputting 53,000 lumens divided by 2 foot squared (53,000/2x2) which is 13,250 lumens at the plant tops.

So if we wanted to give the plants 2,500 lumens per sq foot for vegetative growth, we need to work out how far the lamp could be away from the source and that would provide us with the sq area. 53,000 lumens at 3 foot is (53,000/3x3) 5,888 lumens, at 4 foot is (53,000/4x4) 3,312 and 5 foot is (53,000/5x5) 2120, so we know that to deliver 2,500 lumens per square foot allows the bulb to be about 4.75 feet from the source which would illuminate a square area of 4.75 x 4.75 or 22.5 sq feet.

Light movers increase coverage by about 25%, so it looks to me like if you wern't using a light mover you would probably need 2 x 400 systems for flowering and vegging and perhaps 1 x 600 for both using the light mover. Now you have the math, you can work it out.


Active Member
:misread: .. ok i should have stated yes i will be moving the light, i now have 2 1750 flouro's on them and because of less heat, i now can have them closer :)


Active Member
ACK! the door didnt close all the way for the 12 hours of dark so some light got in (not too much but some reflected light, nothing directly on plants)... how will this effect my plants? every other 12 dark has been fine and the rest should be as well..


Well-Known Member
you dont want any light leaks on your plants at all, they can totally screw with them and wont induce flowering right, i would get it fixed before its your dark period again. otherwise you can stress them to the point of them being hermies


Well-Known Member
They should be fine if it only happened once, but again make sure there arent any cracks or anything in white light is gonna come in, i cant stress it enough..... you want 100% darkness


Active Member
yea the wire had gotten tuck on the side of the door so it didnt close all the way.. i fixed it now

im at day 9 of flowering i am axiously waiting m or f!!


Active Member
You are probably sacrificing yield by doing that as you just stress the plant which can stunt its growth and also it doesnt give the new colas any time to really develop before flowering.
Its hard to say weather yield is decreased or not. I dont think it is.
I will make a journal very soon, i am growing with only 150 w HPS and 50 w CFL in a very pro setup hydroponic closet i have build.
I have 2 plants.
I vegged for 4 weeks until they were about 2 feet tall, they streched till about 4 feet now.
They are 3 weeks into flowering, and the buds are looking very nice already :weed:

Well, every grower has his way of doing things, this works for me :blsmoke:
