I'm off to paint, comment on my "Painting" playlist in my absence

I'm done fuck yeah! I was putting the 2nd coat on the kitchen walls. Nice guys, had alittle bit of everything rockin.
I used to like Technique but he's just too angry. I don't like angry raps anymore. I think talib Kwali or common or mos def are better at conveying that same message without making me feel like I have a gun in my face.

Plus the song Dance with the Devil is just morbidly fucked up.
I just know he did. All his talk about never wanting to sign with a major label for a couple reasons.

Reasons his music is now showing. It sucks now and it's not about the truth, which he originally was about.

My $.02
I don't know how you came to that opinion, but he's more about the truth now than he's ever been. Also his last album was free, which is the complete opposite of selling out. He started his own label called Viper Records and releases all his own shit. He makes his money off concerts and merch which in the end alot actually goes to various charities and such. If you don't like his music any longer thats cool, but he is far from being a sell-out.
I'm off to workout. I just leave my ipod onshuffle and go to town. :) well not town, my basement. Actually my grow room is also a weight room. :)
I don't know how you came to that opinion, but he's more about the truth now than he's ever been. Also his last album was free, which is the complete opposite of selling out. He started his own label called Viper Records and releases all his own shit. He makes his money off concerts and merch which in the end alot actually goes to various charities and such. If you don't like his music any longer thats cool, but he is far from being a sell-out.

Very true. Although I may not like his tunes that much anymore, I would not say he ever sold out. And like noes alien says, he made his OWN label. And I do respect the hell out of the guy for speaking truths that need to b said. Jus not my style anymore. Then again when I listened to I.T. I was also listening to the likes of Brotha Lynch...Lol I was white boy listening to some gangsta shit! Haha good thing it never turned me into a white B boy.