I'm on my way, yahooo


Hello to everyone, it is wonderful to be back. I am now all set up to start growing for my husband's restless legs syndrome. I have bought my tent, light, fan, etc. etc. etc. Got my seeds by mail and started germinating on Monday. I certainly hope all you experts out there wont mind helping me out sometimes. I have been reading a lot on this subject for a while now, and I think I am becoming quite knowledgeable (I think). I have posted pictures of my seeds but I am not quite sure if the roots are long enough to plant yet or should I wait an extra day? Sorry the pictures are not as clear as I would like with a white background. Thank you in advance for your help.DSCF1427.jpgDSCF1428.jpg


Well-Known Member
plant now! you do not need to see the taproot to plant, the longer the taproot is the more fragile it is and will be harder to handle.



Well-Known Member
plant it, I never bother with toilet paper aso, I just drop em 1/2 a inch down in a cup of soil and cover the hole with loose soil and water, 2-4 days after they usually pop up, not said your way is wrong, just not necessary in my opinion ..

hope to see you with sumthing like this in 3 months time


just harvest my Voilator kush yesterday this is all the top buds ..


Oh my that certainly looks good, I think, from some pictures I've seen. Let's hope I can accomplish something that looks at least similar.


I was just looking at different threads regard lights for seedlings. I was planning on putting my seedlings right in the tent with the big light high above them, but some say not to give them too much light in the first three or four days. Should I just keep them under a neon so they don't get too much light and stay a little warm. Gosh just started and already I am stumped.


Well-Known Member
Hi Ginpie,

Nice to see you back! I don't know nuthin' about neon, so hopefully someone else will pop in here. But I usually put the seedlings under a 40W CFL for just a little light for about a week or so...then it's into the tent with the 400W MH bulb. People say that starting them under a more gentle light can inhibit stretch, and maybe it does. But in nature, the plants get the sun as soon as they're out of the ground, and even then short, stubby genetics will produce short, stubby plants. So I doubt it's that critical. But again, hopefully someone will add another perspective!

Make sure the temperature in the tent at leaf-level is appropriate -- I had to add an extra fan at the bottom to blow cooler room air in, and if I didn't the temps spiked way too high.



Well-Known Member
And yes, plant now! Very carefully (use tweezers) put the seed root down in the medium you're going to use (soil, rockwool, whatever) and cover with a little soil, or if using rockwool, pinch the rockwool over the seed very gently. Don't pack the seed down in there, but cover it up gently so no light gets to it.


Well-Known Member
I dont know exactly what it do for your plant either, but I do know a small plant in Veg don't need much light to grow so might as well use CLFs (I use Tubes T5HO) and safe some power, but if your in a hurry and want to use the MH then at least set it about 3" away to start with, so you don't burn them small babies, and move it closer every day untill you reach the right distance (different from size of bulb and if you have a cool tube or not)

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