im on proby


Active Member
okay just got on probation- :wall: and i bet yall know more about what stays in ur system and whats good to do on proby better than me

so of course youve got spice- is that pretty uh at any head shop now?

and pills
and shrooms
but what else? whats ur experience?
sorry i didnt use the search button for this topic but damn it just never works for me:dunce:

much love:leaf:


Well-Known Member
You can still smoke but just once a month if your only getting tested at the end of every month.I beat a ua with only 2 weeks but I got lucky.I never tried any legal shit but I have started fucking with dust and drinking alot more now but I dont recommend that lol
That darwins head stash is actually supposed to be good and you can get a free sample first.


Active Member
yay! thanks guys--DUST!? damn dude thats a lil intense for me haha but yah-sadly I'll be getting harder into pills i bet :(


most people dont test for shrooms, but they stay in your system for about 2 days. best thing you can do is pass your first few drops and they should leave you alone.


Well-Known Member
You can still smoke but just once a month if your only getting tested at the end of every month.I beat a ua with only 2 weeks but I got lucky.I never tried any legal shit but I have started fucking with dust and drinking alot more now but I dont recommend that lol
That darwins head stash is actually supposed to be good and you can get a free sample first.
Damn dot! Let me find out you getting that wiggy lol my cousin went str8 through probation smoking wet ,