I'm pretty sure freezing cannabis and noticeable potency loss is a myth


Yes, trichomes are going to become more brittle then break off. Trichomes break off all the time on cannabis. When you cure cannabis, you often have to shake up your buds to keep them from compacting to get a proper cure; the trichomes will break off when you do this.

The point is, yes, trichomes lossed = potency lossed. But this entire notion that trichomes falling off "drastically" "noticeably" "devastatingly" is just a garbage myth. The real reason you probably lost potency was because you stored it improperly, ie exposed it to too much light and oxygen.

That is literally all it comes down to, to get an actual potency loss that you could notice. Otherwise, I'm sure its just paranoia.

The biggest thing is this: if you freeze your cannabis in a proper jar, and keep it in the dark without lots of oxygen, its going to be more potent than if you let it degrade over time. Cannabis left in a jar for a year will be less potent that cannabis left in a jar IN A FREEZER for a year, because the cold temps slow down the degradation process.

Time kills cannabis, its an inescapable fact.
I'd take a pound of weed out of 1-year deep freeze over 1-year room temp storage any day of the week. Freezing preserves terpenes fairly well too, so it will taste much fresher after a quick thaw.
I'd take a pound of weed out of 1-year deep freeze over 1-year room temp storage any day of the week. Freezing preserves terpenes fairly well too, so it will taste much fresher after a quick thaw.
I've froze after cure for a few years. No noticeable loss in potency. And my really old treasures only pick up a hint of oldness flavor. Deep freezing is my preferred long term storage. And proper handling, packing and storage prevent most head losses. My experiences at any rate. Not changing for anyone. LOL.
I've froze after cure for a few years. No noticeable loss in potency. And my really old treasures only pick up a hint of oldness flavor. Deep freezing is my preferred long term storage. And proper handling, packing and storage prevent most head losses. My experiences at any rate. Not changing for anyone. LOL.
My first harvest, nearly 30 years ago, I froze 75% of the dried weed. There was no internet, so no one to tell me it was a bad idea. I just triple bagged it in ziploc freezer bags and squeezed all the air out. When my head stash would run low, I'd just take a zip out of the freezer. I was always amazed how fresh and yummy the newly defrosted weed was. Mmm, that weed was good too. Was some seeds a buddy gave me, but grew this amazing grapefruit kush sort of weed. I've been looking for an amazing grapefruit like that for years later, but always come up disappointed in the genetics. I need a real tuff punch you in the face grapefruit, which lingers on the tongue for minutes after.
I need to invest in a plot of land somewhere I can grow with no issues outdoors. To many deer, coyote, fox & turkey vultures amongst other little creeps at night where I live.
Just need one of these and a fence. A greenhouse helps. Just a home hobbyist with 10 plant limit per adult in home. That would be 30. One plant exceeds possession limits for all. 001.jpg