im ready to start my first cfl grow but still confused on how


im growing 2 plants in a 2' tall grow box with 6 23w cfls

so to grow them in this space do i have to start them form 12/12 or do i let them grow for a while then stitch them

one quick question to i have baccto professional planting mix i found a old bag of peat moss in the garage and a buddy said i could have some of his worm casting should i add a litle of both or just leave it


Well-Known Member
what are the dimensions of the box? and what size pots are you planning on using? if you do it right you can do low stress training to keep the plants nice and short.


it 2'Tx2'Dx1W im not sure what size pot yet il look into the LST training more i ave only seen it in youtube videos

i wanted to do like 2 plants


Even with LST its hard to imagine you could bloom 2 plants in that space....

Also...what spectrum of lights are you using?

Using your space efficiently is key to maximizing your harvest. One plant with proper spectrum and space management can yield more than trying to cram 2 plants in same space.

Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
When in doubt go larger. Study up on low stress training. You will have to seriously know your lst before you can flower a plant in that small of a space.
I would stick to indica for sure and almost no veg time. i suggest nirvanas short rider, she stays short and the smoke is really good for the time it takes to flower her.



for light i have 6 23w 2700k earth mate cfls they put out 1650 lums intsted of normal 23wat that put out only around 1600lums so i should only do one play and do LST


Well-Known Member
Unless you go with autos you will need some veg bulbs as well. 6500k's

Autos dont care what type of light you give them.
