im sorry my friends

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New Member
I (my girls) have been banned.. im am so sorry that i will not beable to carry on my threads and share my grow knowledge with you all.
i feel that i truly did fdd no wrong, but am sorry and will be the 1st to say im sorry..
but i have been banned for good. again im sorry i have to leave this great site and all you great people including you FDD.. not sure what to do as im am very hurt right now from all of this.. makes me just want to stop growing... thanks to you all for riding my threads and i do hope i was able to inspire others and some of my knowledge was helpful to some..'

if you all can find it in your hearts to find a way to get me (my girls) back on line it would be great.. but im sure it won't happen..farewell fellow grower:cry: again im sorry for this unfortunate thing that has happened.


Well-Known Member
when you get banned it means you are BANNED!!!! it does not mean you simply create a new account and keep posting.

you called me a crying little girl, for one thing, and you see where you did nothing wrong? :roll:

nice apology. :clap:


Active Member
when you get banned it means you are BANNED!!!! it does not mean you simply create a new account and keep posting.

you called me a crying little girl, for one thing, and you see where you did nothing wrong? :roll:

nice apology. :clap:

hahahaha....but gonna have to agree with FDD....quit whining, you been banned!


Active Member
so if you call someone a crying little girl you get banned? or just moderators?
nah i think this guy was just a dick i remember him bitchin at me for spellin. fuk him lol hes cryin over gettin banned he shold grow himself some balls


Active Member
I'll never understand people who get all contentious and upset over what's said on a message board. If you're constantly fighting with people and being rude, you should be banned from the site. This wasn't the first time mygirls did this sort of thing.


Active Member
i was about to lift it because i actually felt bad. it's only a 10 day ban. maybe tomorrow. :)
lmao all this over a 10 day ban?! Feel like quitting growing because you were banned for 10 days from RIU?? what a joke haha


Well-Known Member
I learned a while back that no matter how much u hate FDD you cant say shit to him. Hes got the power and you dont.

I did alot of stupid shit a while back to FDD(if he remembers) and im not banned so for you to get banned you must have done something worth it.


this isn't a goodbye thread. i am here and am fully aware of what is going on in this thread. i do not need you closing it. thanks.

that's how we roll?? why the hell do you close my threads then?? trying to follow the "rules"..... could you forward me a list of them when you finish the final draft?


Well-Known Member
that's how we roll?? why the hell do you close my threads then?? trying to follow the "rules"..... could you forward me a list of them when you finish the final draft?
what, your naked chicks thread? :sleep:

you know nudity is against the rules. and this was NOT a good-bye thread. keeping trying though. :)
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