I'm thinking about topping my sativa???


What up guys! I'm running into another problem with my sativa in a 5 gallon bucket. It's getting to tall. From the bottom of the bucket to the top it's 6 feet plus. I already dug a foot deep hole to place the bucket in to it, give it an extra foot of vertical space. It hasn't started flowering. It's about to start flowering I can tell. I don't want my neighbor to see it even though I have my license. I can't tie it down because the stem is to thick already. I'm seriously considering topping the baby node that's starting next? Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I think what Indagrow was suggesting is that you actually lay the bucket over on it's side. you would potentially need to trim off branches on one side, or ideally train them around.... and would probably need to put a hole in the new "top" of the container for watering... and after all that I bet it will still end up over 6 feet tall!


Sounds like a cool idea. It gave me an idea. what if I tilt the bucket. In a week the plant should start tilting on it's own towards the sun. Then I could lean it completely horizontal ? That way I can avoid any pruning

diet coke

Active Member
bend it over like lst. pull the top of the plant over and tie it to a stake in the ground. A giant arc. this worked well for me out doors.


Active Member
I always bury my pots all the way in the soil. Why? 1. Keeps the roots cooler on hot summer days, 2. Keeps them less suspicious, and 3. Because Brwndirtwarrior said so.


I made an 18in. deep hole to place my bucket into and it's still about to reach over the neighbors yard. I'm familiar with LST I'm tying that bitch today.


I'll let you guys know what I come up with and post a pic. Lst sounds good but I might have waited to long. The stem is pretty thick. I'm also considering a canopy made from window screen?


Well-Known Member
Gonna have to super crop... Sativas never stop... you could try hitting it with a dose of bud blood/equivalent to see if it will stop the stretch but it's unlikely. If i didn't zig zag my branches my plants would've made at least 13ft last year...


turn it on it's side.. under a cage.. its sick trust me.
Sounds like a cool idea. It gave me an idea. what if I tilt the bucket. In a week the plant should start tilting on it's own towards the sun. Then I could lean it completely horizontal ? That way I can avoid any pruning
Both... kinda..... Tilt it at least 45* I'd tilt it as far as I could without anything actually touching the ground, then put fencing over it (cage) and tie her to the cage. Make that baby grow the way YOU want her to :D


Well-Known Member
I don't see a problem with cutting the top off your plant. Just use sharp sterilized shears, cut at an angle, and seal the wound with garden tape.


I don't see a problem with cutting the top off your plant. Just use sharp sterilized shears, cut at an angle, and seal the wound with garden tape.
I've read sativa's are not the plant to top. Good thing I read before topping her. I'm a just keep tying down the main cola, every few days.. see how that goes


I've been busy and just concentrating on her height. Now I noticed she has spider mites. I'm going to the store today and spray her down, good thing I'm not flowering.

charles lewis

Well-Known Member
I top the shit out of mine now. last year I had some hit that 10ft mark. fuck that I topped this year starting at 4ft and right now I got a 7ft bush! u can top them & they do very well. everything you read aint right! try shit yourself 1st!!