Immediate Help Needed


Well-Known Member
Fan fell on one of my plants, I used UB topping method to get 4 main colas, its 3 weeks in flowering, and the fan split the 2 main colas right down the stem
I used zip ties to tighten them together
My question is will this work? Will the plant (though stunted im sure) pull itself back together? Or should I maybe bust out the clonex and try to get all the clones I can to flower them once rooted? (save what I can)

Need quick answers since I wont have long to cut the clones if it wont make it
ANY help is greatly appriciated!

photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpg

This litteraly JUST happened, Here's the grow thread


Well-Known Member
She will be fine, you did the right thing with the zip ties. Cannabis is a miraculous plant it heals itself quickly.


Well-Known Member
She will be fine, you did the right thing with the zip ties. Cannabis is a miraculous plant it heals itself quickly.
I'm hoping she will be man, and it's the only thing I could think of to get it back together. I dont know much about botany but i'm really praying this fixable


Well-Known Member
Lots of growers including me purposely snap and bend the branches, it will create a ball shaped "joint" of tissue around the snap. It helps the lower branches receive more light and redirects the flow of water and nutrients from the roots. It is a technique called super-cropping. The only time a plant won't recover is if the branch is snapped in half completely or if there is no support to help it heal.
I snapped a main stem straight through a few weeks ago- wiped her off with some rubbing alcohol and put a split on with electrical tape. The next week I put a lighter splint on her, and then a few days after that she was fine. She's just got a bump on her stalk there, or you wouldn't be able to tell at all.

Imagine if people could snap themselves in half like all hanging from bits of nerves and muscles and stuff, and be fine not even two weeks later...

Anyway, good call with the zip ties- think I'll keep some around from now on. Betcha she'll be fine. :D


Well-Known Member
She will be fine, you did the right thing with the zip ties
Yup, check luijis super mini plants grow journal, he did exactly the samr thing you did but he used tape to fix it. That plant ended up doing better than the normal one. Serious, check it, youll sleep better tonight :)


Well-Known Member
Yup, check luijis super mini plants grow journal, he did exactly the samr thing you did but he used tape to fix it. That plant ended up doing better than the normal one. Serious, check it, youll sleep better tonight :)

Holy shit dude, my heart no joke just stopped beating as hard. Thats what's up! and yeah, I cleaned out all the dirt from the wound before ziptieing her back up.

Thanks you guys, I might have tried cloning all the shoots if it werent for yall!


Well-Known Member
No problem that's what growing is all about, making mistakes and learning from them. Happy growing :)


New Member
Yup, check luijis super mini plants grow journal, he did exactly the samr thing you did but he used tape to fix it. That plant ended up doing better than the normal one. Serious, check it, youll sleep better tonight :)
You make me sleep better at night Ninja


Well-Known Member
Holy shit dude, my heart no joke just stopped beating as hard. Thats what's up! and yeah, I cleaned out all the dirt from the wound before ziptieing her back up.

Thanks you guys, I might have tried cloning all the shoots if it werent for yall!
It happens... I once broke a nice branch with about 5-8 grams on her - 2 weeks before harvest. I used a straw and electrical tape to make her a splint... She did fine :)


Well-Known Member
You make me sleep better at night Ninja
I wish i could sleep better at night, frekin LEDs blastin my eyeballs with pink supernova blast all night long, mixed with chronic nightmares sometimes i want to keep pushing when i feel resistance on the q-tip!:evil::evil::evil::sleep::fire::shock:


Well-Known Member
You need to make a compressive wrap at the point of injury, no sweat. Maybe use some shock reducing nutrient, Kelp, B vitamins, or not. Pressure, and water.


Well-Known Member
Nasty but believe it or not it will just keep growing. I read that the breathable strechable medical tape works the best to hold it together you can also put ptuning seal on the outside.