Hey guys I'm 3 weeks into flowering n I'm using mg bloom boost or something. The npk is 15-30-15 question is how often should I fertilize I'm currently doing it every 3 or 4 days. Thanks guys
How do the plants look? I would think that is a little too much but if the plants look fine then continue on. How often you feed depends on your lights, the size of pots, amount each feeding, how fast your plants are growing, etc.... Most of the hydroponic fertilizer companys have schedules on there web sites but the basics is to feed on one watering and then just plain water on the next.
yeah im pretty sure it takes 8 weeks to get done, theres a lot of buds with a lot of white hairs but the buds are just kinda small i suppose it will get bigger anybody else have suggestions, id really like to take a look at some of your guys's plants maybe you can show me some pics of your plants 3 weeks into flowering for comparison, but my buds are only the size of popcorn balls