Implications of Legalization


Here's my question posed to the entire community. What will be the implications of marijuana being legalized? All of these activits groups and websites shout legalize it, legalize it, leagalize it, but nobody talks about the implications...for example I love moonshine and I'd rather buy that then buy Jack Daniels but if the guy making it gets caught...well you've seen Nat Geo....big time BUSTED! All of these growers think that once legalization comes it'll pay dividends for them but I got news folks the government is gonna regulate and meddle....unless you've got millions to invest like Phillip Morris you won't be able to profit off of it legally due to all of the red tape bullshit money you're gonna have to come up with not including taxes. What will become of my dealer buddy down the street? He'll still deal except now he'll be in prison for tax evasion instead of cultivation right? Let me hear your thoughts on this...where'd I go wrong?


Well-Known Member
You make an excellent point, Geetarman. I hope that the difference here is that the inroad to legalization is medical marijuana. That is establishing a cottage industry wherever it occurs. I expect that trend to continue. By the time full legalization happens, I hope that there is such an economy established with medical marijuana that society won't allow "big business" to do that to mom and pops. Wishful thinking? Probably. But that scenario is entirely plausible.


Well-Known Member
i don't think you have to worry about outright legalization, not for a good while anyways
the prop 19 results show this, the polls were tilting to yes, but then the federal government came in and started making threats
it worked(sadly), the feds will use this same technique in the future, if it worked once, they will use it again
on the other hand, it appears that MMJ will continue to grow in various forms
so is MMJ legal MJ? i'd say it is in California, or awfully close to it