Important question about cloning


If the sex of a plant is not determined in veg. When you take cuttings from them for clones. Is the clone a gauranteed female? Please help me get a better understanding of cloning.


Clones off a male will be male, clones of a female will be female. Take a cutting from you plant let it get some roots then toss it into bud cycle. It will show its sex quickly. Do you have pics of you plant plz post =D


Well-Known Member
if you dont know the sex of the plant cut a clone and flower the original plant and if it is a male then throw your clone away if it is a female then cut more


Well-Known Member
or you cut clones off the unknown m/f plant flower one to tell sex
then kill em all if they are boys or start taking more and build a sea of green in which you can sail
ahoy me matie


Clones off a male will be male, clones of a female will be female. Take a cutting from you plant let it get some roots then toss it into bud cycle. It will show its sex quickly. Do you have pics of you plant plz post =D
thanks for the info. I dont have any pics yet, but I will be starting from seed & take cuttings from the plants for clones

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
You could avoid all the problems of M/F? by purchasing Feminised seeds up front. It's ALL female, no problems, no need to sex out before cutting for clones. My limited space, outdoor grow does not allow for males, so I must use Fem. seed. Good luck & good grow.......BBbongsmilie


THANKS. Im going to order AK47 fem seeds. Moving into my new apt soon so I haven't started yet. Just wanted to know before starting. My space is limited to so it would be better to have all females in my grow cab.