Importent breeding question!

Hey everyone. I do all of my growing and breeding outside at the moment. I ran into a little snag at one of my breeding sites. I had a male plant from my most popular breed pollinating another one of my strains. When the breeding cycle was over for the male I did what I always do. I rip the thing up and drag it far away from my grow. That was about two weeks ago. Well I just found out that I trashed the remaining seeds I had from that strain when I did a bunch of cleaning. Now all is not lost. I have just taken some clones from a female of the same strain from a different grow site. I went back to my breeding site and found the male plant that I dragged off into the woods. The damn thing is still alive! It's in real rough shape so I snipped the top off that. Now I've never cloned a male before (bet not many people have done this on purpose lol)and would imagine its like any other plant that you are trying to clone. The thing is its a short growing season where I am at, and I don't want to pollinate one of my non breeding sites with this male. I'm going to try and grow and breed them inside this winter. I have lights that I use for starting my seedlings and all the other stuff that goes with starting seeds. I'm not going for yield on this grow. I would like to keep the plants real short, like 2 feet tops because my space is very limited. How many seeds do you think i can get? I need to at least get 100 seeds, but I wouldn't mind getting a ton more. Does anyone have any tips on how to grow tons and tons of seeds from very small plants? This is a funny question, usually people are trying to prevent this. +rep for some good info!


Well-Known Member
I guess as long as you can get a female to set flowers you'll be able to make her produce the seeds too. You can make hundreds of seeds on a 1,5 foot plant. The healthier you keep the plant the more bud it will set and the more seeds it can contain. Don't know if i understand you correctly, but you can make any plant produce tons of seeds - it's very easy.