Importing other people's clones to my room: how risky is it?


Active Member
I'm a legal medical cannabis user, so I can buy clones from legal producers in my state. I haven't done this yet, and don't need to, but I might do it to just get some variety, to see what somebody else thinks is a good plant.

I have read that I need to dip the clone in miticide (Einstein oil?) before bringing it into my room. It's coming from a big ganja nursery.

Does anybody recommend a certain product/clone dip? Do I need to do anything else? Is this like having sex with a street prostitute, or would y'all import other people's clones? My room is not a model of sterility by any means.


Well-Known Member
Every time I have acquired clones from a collective they had mites. Now, I have only done this 3 or 4 times so not representative of EVERY collective out there. However, my room IS a model of sterility and cleanliness and as part of that process no outside clones are allowed. Now, if I happened to find a cut that is so incredible that I absolutely must have it I would dip every one in Avid (or similar miticide) and place in a quarantine room (Preferably in a separate location, another floor of your location, or at least another room as far as you can get it from your main room) for 3 - 4 weeks, and I would make sure I at least changed clothes after working with them, but before working in my main room. If I thought they really might have mites I would shower as well. After 3 - 4 weeks and still showing no signs of any mold or pests I would place it in my main room. And I would still be nervous!

I should also say that I am a neat freak when it comes to my rooms, and I am paranoid after having fought and lost to the borg. I had to take everything down and restart from sterilized scratch. Took me upwards of 6 months to recover.


Little neem oil does the trick hit once a weak. Under the leafs the most. Little dirty bastards. Just got some on sour apple clone ditched 8 separated 2 others and sprayed my bb mother juicy fruit mother, 4 diesel plants and my 10 bb juicy clones that gave rooted to make sure they didn't sprend anywhere. My bloom room is all good. Knock in wood


Active Member
MMJ VD. Never again will a powdery mildew, spider mite, fungus gnat infected clone enter my house, car, or grow room. Twice and I have learned my lesson. If it cant be found in a seed bank, I don't/ will not have it


Well-Known Member
The biggest problem with getting clones from diffrent sources is spider mites and the best treatment for this is plant vitilaty + !! I ve used this product for q few years with no problems wot so ever it works after 1 application

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
If you get clones from people hit them with a garlic water dunk and wipe the leafs and stalk to try to make sure you get every thing then 2 or 3 days later hit them with a organic insecticide soap or with the oil kind. Another thing that I noticed when you grow plants in hydro they have a easier time surviving the bugs and makes it easier to deal with each plant and clean the grow area.


Active Member
The biggest problem with getting clones from diffrent sources is spider mites and the best treatment for this is plant vitilaty + !! I ve used this product for q few years with no problems wot so ever it works after 1 application
Agreed. Never add anything to your grow without giving it a good dose of plant vitality, works a treat for me, quick and easy.


Well-Known Member
Put them in quarantine. In a seperate room for at least a fortnight. Check under leaves for dots, with a scope if possible before moving them into the grow area. I have a tiny, foot square cupboard in my front room with a 23w cfl in it, just for this purpose.