improving my alcohol extracts

Coz the Shroom

Active Member
I've been making it with a machine so it is real simple, and works great, but I have been using a tablespoon per half gram and a tablespoon of everclear is like a shot of liquor. My body is very sensitive to alcohol. It bloats me, makes my face red and everything. Even one shot every day is too much for me. I would like to know what is the minimum amount of everclear, put in terms of a ratio of flower to ml of everclear, or whether it is better to extract at the ration I gave and boil it down to a third of that volume. I know I can just make RSO but I feel like that would be pretty hard to dose and pretty sticky in whatever vessel I put it in? Right? Wrong? Thanks in advance for your guidance.
After I make my tincture I put 8 ounces of the alcohol in a measuring cup. Then I put it on the stove top, with the oven off, so I can use the ovens exhaust fan for the vapor and run a small fan over the top of the cup to speed the evaporation. I take the 8 ounces down to 2 ounces and that's my finished strength. I use from 10-16 drops of the tincture in my coffee and Gatorade throughout the day and in coffee you can't taste the alcohol at all. Hope this helps.
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What I would do (and DO, ... do...) is make RSO (Rick Simpson Oil or "Phoenix Tears") so you do the same everclear extraction but then you use a slow cooker to boil off all of the alcohol once that is done you can add it to very small capsules and take those. I have folks that I give them to for Neuropathy pain and many other things. Edibles (including these) do next to nothing to me but others that take these SWEAR by them for pain management, Some say they are too strong and even freeze the capsules and cut them in half somehow.
I've been making it with a machine so it is real simple, and works great, but I have been using a tablespoon per half gram and a tablespoon of everclear is like a shot of liquor. My body is very sensitive to alcohol. It bloats me, makes my face red and everything. Even one shot every day is too much for me. I would like to know what is the minimum amount of everclear, put in terms of a ratio of flower to ml of everclear, or whether it is better to extract at the ration I gave and boil it down to a third of that volume. I know I can just make RSO but I feel like that would be pretty hard to dose and pretty sticky in whatever vessel I put it in? Right? Wrong? Thanks in advance for your guidance.

How viscous is it when the machine is done. You might be able to just evap a little more alcohol off manually to increase the potancy and decrease the amount of alcohol left.

Making RSO and then adding back a specific amount of alcohol to make it into a tincture is an option, or Adding coconut oil like hydrodan said to improve the viscosity and make it more controlable. Most people that go the RSO route seem to use little syringes to suck it up while its warm and to easily dose a few "ml" at a time.
Finish your extraction, boil off the ethanol (use a double boiler) and consume that. If it's too viscous to handle you can add some vegetable oil and mix it well.
I reduce the amount of alcohol after extraction using a still, or simple evaporation in a Pyrex casserole dish to give it a lot of surface area. I leave just enough alcohol for it to flow properly and not burn my tongue when I use it sublingually.
After maceration, I strain into a clean Mason jar. Instead of a lid, I cover the jar with a cloth and the jar's band. Then leave it like that to evaporate off the alcohol for several more weeks. It's the same concept as cooking off the alcohol in a slow cooker, just slower and without using heat. I like to think of this as a "cold process" extract. I always turn my trim into tincs.
I reduce the amount of alcohol after extraction using a still, or simple evaporation in a Pyrex casserole dish to give it a lot of surface area. I leave just enough alcohol for it to flow properly and not burn my tongue when I use it sublingually.
I have been using 1 tablespoon of everclear per .5 gram. You, of all people can tell me the smallest ratio of alcohol to bud that will produce a complete extraction! I like your idea of reducing a great deal, I just don't want to waste too much everclear, if I can save more to use on other batches. My last batch was 1 tablespoon per gram of budd and it seems to work as well aas the 1 to .5
I have been using 1 tablespoon of everclear per .5 gram. You, of all people can tell me the smallest ratio of alcohol to bud that will produce a complete extraction! I like your idea of reducing a great deal, I just don't want to waste too much everclear, if I can save more to use on other batches. My last batch was 1 tablespoon per gram of budd and it seems to work as well aas the 1 to .5
I've never tried to determine the minimum amount of ethanol necessary to do a full extraction. I'm more concerned with getting the most concentrate without picking up non-targeted elements. I typically takes more than one wash to do so without sacrificing quality. QWET - GrayWolf's Lair (