Imsmokiiins grow journal mostly pics


New Member
This is a cherry pie pheno

This is week 7 day 1 of flower the buds seem to be a bit small for week 7 my last grow had bigger buds by this time but its been a bit cold outside so it plays a lilttle role on the inside temps n growth. I feed cyco nutrients was at ph 6.8 i now have went down to a 6.0 seems to be growing better now. I hand water everything I also introduced mammath p at .6ml a gallon, and i use fish shit at 2-3 ml per gallon. I am growing in my own mixture of peat moss perlight earthworm casting and i add the cocount fibers in also and mikos. All plants are in 5 gallons in flower. each plant gets about a quarter gallon of water everyday or 2 and untill the pot seems heavier. I usally do at least 1 water to every feed. Also this strain is very prone to hermiing up its done it 3 or 4 times in the past grows i now spray optic foliar switch on them and it works very good to produce no seeds. Thanks for looking hope to have questions from someone and i hope to continuing learning

