In 2013 possession of an ounce of marijuana is.......


Well-Known Member
Those colors are going to change real fast now that the gov feels threatened by loss of peoples money!


Well-Known Member
That map is depressing, but change is happening fast. Police budgets are going to have to be dwindled. No stopping it now.

Muff Lebowski

Active Member
i was gonna say underequipped lol. gotta agree with stoppin it now. i'd caution them on heavy taxes. i can't see a bunch of old school heads going along with 30-40% taxes on something that has thrived underground. i think they'll have to prove themselves not to be greedy assholes if they want to see some loot out of this.


Well-Known Member
The problem is you have all these law enforcement thugs that have been spoonfed the evils of MJ for decades. For them it was fine, justifiable and surely fun to chase, beat and arrest kids for harming no one with their joint.

Now they're essentially trying to process the FACT that this was all Bullshit. They were fed bullshit. Many are short-circuiting and freaking out.
