In flowering process.. quick question


Alright so i am like 99 % sure its a female because there are white hairs coming out of the preflowers from like the 5th node and up. But there's only one hair coming out of each of them, not two pistols that form the "v" i see on every plant. Is it normal for only one hair to be coming out of the preflowers? I'm kinda confused. Hopefully that made sense. Btw the plant is about 1 1/2 feet tall and has been on 12/12 for about a month. Looks very nice and healthy and is getting bushier, yet the preflowers only have one hair coming out of each of them.


Well-Known Member
Pics pls. 1 month on 12/12 should have obvious sexual signs. They should be flowers at that point, not preflowers. Get some pics and tell us about your system and lighting.


here's some pics.. zoom in to see the hairs. and i have been using two 65w flood lights and two 25 watt florescent lights. watering every other day or so (whenever the soil looks dry), and miracle grow once a week or so.



Well-Known Member
Looks like a girl to me.Basically,if you find one tiny little cream colored pistil.It's a girl.You will start see more as you get longer into flowering.


Well-Known Member
here's some pics.. zoom in to see the hairs. and i have been using two 65w flood lights and two 25 watt florescent lights. watering every other day or so (whenever the soil looks dry), and miracle grow once a week or so.
those flood lights arent really doing much unless they are fluerescent. If they arent get rid of them and replace with more twisty CFL's. All they are doing is adding heat. Incandescent lights are the absolute worse type of light you could use for growing. The 23 watt CFL probably emit twice as many lumens as the 65 watt flood. Also get all the lights closer, they are kinda far, 2 inches away is much better.