in regard to a 'hempy bucket'

Hello, im just trying to figure out a couple of things, I got some perlite today and some Vermiculite, im trying to get the right mix ready and how to prep it sorted.

3 parts perlite 1 part Vermiculite - This is silly, but im not sure if that means add 3 parts of perlite first then 1 part on top without mixing the two(as much as possible), or just toss it together and mix it up and so forth, or would there be a order when dealing with the two?

Second of all, if i have germinated seeds, do i need to sprout these in say coca and wait till a perticular point before transplanting ?

This perlite stuff feels like foam or polystiering (spelling - i know its lazy..) is this correct?

If i have to place these in the coca(which is my first thought) is it possible to get away with a little container?(3cm across the top, and 5.5cm's deap - its a multi tray, i doubt this is big enough right?)

feel free to refer me to already written content that will answer these questions for me


Well-Known Member
say your using 1 measuring cup, get a trash bag,very important this dust is poison,put 3 cups of perlite in ,then 1 cup of vermiculite twist closed then shake up. BTW i keep my moms in straight perlite it really dosent matter about the ratio so dont sweat it .and you can put your sprouts straight in your mix.


Well-Known Member
say your using 1 measuring cup, get a trash bag,very important this dust is poison,put 3 cups of perlite in ,then 1 cup of vermiculite twist closed then shake up. BTW i keep my moms in straight perlite it really dosent matter about the ratio so dont sweat it .and you can put your sprouts straight in your mix.
im experimenting with one of my new moms. shes in 100% perlite. can you give me any info ill need to know about this? it appears to be staying moist for quite some time. shes still small though.


Well-Known Member
and that shits poison? i unloaded two [4cu ft] bags of this a couple months ago. all at onceand i was breathing in that dust [heavily] for at least 45 minutes straight.


Well-Known Member
yes both are akin to asbestos and are carcinoginic,allmy moms are potted in perlite and sit in pie trays that i top off with water every other day ive got two moms that are 3 years old,just trim roots and repot twice a year.
Sorry guys was off the PC for a little while.

Thank you very much for the reply's very informative, i went ahead and used 3parts Perlite and 1part Vermiculite, it seems to be near dry every day, or every second day, I put nutes in on a couple of them and started to get a bit of nute burn( 0.5ml of the stuff in two waterings(recommendation is 5ml) So had to preform a bit of a flush. Its it quite normal to be over PH Downing your water to say 5.3 in order to have the run off at 5.9 ? Or is this standard with hempys ? My soil trials seem to be keeping a stable run off


Well-Known Member
perlite is not a manmade polymer. Its a kind of rock.
It should crumble to dust when you press it.