In serious need of help! Is this a deficiency? I can't match it to any images online!

Hi, as you can see from my post count, I’m very new to this forum, so please excuse the fact that I’ve not posted before and I’m going straight in with a help thread!

Below you can see I’ve posted some leaf pictures up. What the hell is it anyone please?



Quick stats:

Jack Herer

In week 4 of flower (inc the two week stretch period)

Canna A+B Coco

0.7 ml/per litre of ProCal (one week on, one week off)

0.5ml per litre of dutch pro explode

2.5ml per litre of Cannazyme (however you spell it)

All totalling to about 1.5 EC and a pH of 6.1 ( I was at 1.7 EC for a week before, then showed this problem to a friend and he told me to lower to 1.5 EC)

600 Watt Dual Spec HPS lights in cool tubes

In 20 litre airpots

Air stone constantly oxygenating the feed mix

Pond heater keeping the feed at a constant 22 degree C

Atmosphere is around 50% humidity, room tempt is around 25 degrees C with lights on, 21degrees with lights off. Only recently have I noticed the night time humidy had been rising to around 80% (from week 2 to week 4 flower, but as soon as I noticed this, I corrected it)
Run off test, feeding with 1.5 EC pH 6.1, the run off showed pretty much exactly what I was putting in, (1.5-1.6 EC and pH of around 6.25) which in my opinion is about right??

The signs of this bronzing on the leaves started appearing just on one plant about 3-4weeks ago, so I instantly gave her a 2day water flush, with the second day flushing with an EC of around 0.5
The bronzing has now spread throughout 60% of the top of the canopy’s. These pictures were taken about 5days ago and in the last couple of days it has got 30% worse. It's mainly occuring around the leaves surrounding the flowering sites and the ends of the leaves have even started to go crispy and curl up.

This is not my first grow, and the above method in the stats has always worked well for me, yet this IS the FIRST time i've grown a different strain, (jack herer)

I initially noticed a problem with a slight yellowing of the tops of the canopy, so I backed off my tubes/lights to around 2ft away (600 watt dual spec HPS in cool tubes), thinking it was light bleaching, yet it hasn’t corrected the problem. I even foliage sprayed with some Dutch pro leaf green, and in the past this has sorted the yellowing out, but not this time.. It’s got worse and started bronzing up like in the photos.

Someone advised me this wasn’t a deficiency and it was nutrient burn, hence me lowering from 1.7 EC to 1.5 EC, personally I don’t think it’s nute burn because my friend is growing the same plant and when I was at 1.7 EC he was at about 2.2EC with similar feed and zero problems (except abit of red stemming)
I’m about to mix up a feed of around 1.5 EC with 1ml per litre of explode.

ps: all my meters are correctly calibrated.

Any suggestions please?? :?:

I really appreciate anyone taking the time to read this thread, and advice would be greatly appreciated!

Also, i'm an electrician, so if anyone needs any electrical advice, i'm all ears!




Well-Known Member
Leaf edges that turn brown can be caused by the soil the plant growing in being too wet, or too dry, the plant simply is unable to use the water properly. The presence of Fungus Gnats indicates the soil is too wet.