In the market for a lamp


Hello everyone. I'm looking to buy a lamp for a small closet in my basement. The closet measures 3.5x3 feet, 6 feet tall. I'm pretty set on getting a 400w HPS. Perhaps one of the lamps in the sticky. My only concern is how hot it will get. If anyone would be kind enough to answer a few questions, it would be greatly appreciated.

1. Would this run way too hot with just a fan or two in the closet? I could leave the closet doors open a few hours a day. Not sure if that would help.

2. Any easy way to keep the lamp cool? I can't run a duct outside of the closet. I was thinking maybe I could put a portable A/C unit in the closet.

3. Are there any lamps with built in fans or cooling systems out there? I don't really want to spend more then $200 at the moment. The cheaper the better.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that the A/C is your answer, it will bust the budget and take up most of your floor space. 400W is a fair amount for 3x3 with no venting, can you keep the doors open while the light is on? Have you considered 250W or T5?


Thanks for the quick responses. I wasn't aware they made 250w hps lamps. Do you think the 250w would run significantly cooler? How do you think it would run in my 3x3 closet with a fan or two?

I can only leave the closet open a few hours a day at best.


Well-Known Member
Look into CERAMIC METAL HALIDE (google)

250 watt is Right around $200 does not have heat issues (seen photos of a bulb being held while on) and you can get 400 watt for a bit more.

works for both veg & flower (don't have to change bulbs or rooms)

and has UVB

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
I'm using a 400 watt hps in a very small closet with no problems the weather is a little cooler now but Ionly have a 4" inline fan pulling through the light. The 400 really puts out the light though if you can thats the way to go... Or just stick with cfls they run real cool...


Well-Known Member
If you can't leave the doors open and you can't vent the closet I would be looking at T5's or CFL. Temps in my 2x2x4 box with a 2 foot 4 bulb t5 run about +7 from the room temp. Mine is also in the basement, so I end up OK with that. These are not really cheap so you may want to look into multi CFL's as a better value. Just one mans opinion, take it for what it's worth.


riddleme, the ceramic metal halide sounds great and is definitely something I'll consider. Although, I could only find the bulbs on google.

mista, I'll most likely be ordering one of those lamps. I've heard great things about htgsupply and you can't beat those prices.

ol hippy, could you tell me how exactly you have your fan rigged up to your light?

If I were to purchase an HPS light from htgsupply, would using a ceramic metal halide bulb of the same wattage keep the lamp running cooler?



Missed your post Douglas. I really don't want to use fluorescents. I know that would probably be my best option given the small space and ventilation issues, but I'd like to have the best grows possible with an HPS or MH lamp if my space allows it.

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
riddleme, the ceramic metal halide sounds great and is definitely something I'll consider. Although, I could only find the bulbs on google.​

mista, I'll most likely be ordering one of those lamps. I've heard great things about htgsupply and you can't beat those prices.​

ol hippy, could you tell me how exactly you have your fan rigged up to your light?​

If I were to purchase an HPS light from htgsupply, would using a ceramic metal halide bulb of the same wattage keep the lamp running cooler?​
I have a 400 watt hps there are on either end of the fixture a 6" opening ,I taped a 6" dryer vent hose to one end and hooked ( taped) the other end over a 6" in line fan and the fan vents through a hole into the attic. cost less than 40 bucks..