increase yeild?


Active Member
Hey Guys, can someone give me some advice on some of the best products to use to increase my yeild, i am 3 1/2 weeks into flowering and would like to know can i add some extra nute to do this?? if so whats ones are the best? :wink:


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't say extra nutes but there are nutes specifically for this like Foxfarm tiger bloom and big bloom. when used in conjunction with one another, the results are devistatingly spectacular. i have heard mixed reviews about miracle grow do to its initial PH which is like 5.0 this is not ideal for marijuana. if you want the best, here is a link to such products and some advice on how they prefer to use their products:
FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company
you may also want to evaluate your lighting. if it is sparce, so will your plants yeild.


Active Member
thanks for the advice allmeatnopotato (wicked avatar), i heard about miricle grow but not gonna touch it, heard to many bad things which put me off. my plant is not sparce i think its actualy quite bushy check out my gallery, there are alot of nodes and bud sites :) i just wanted to get what i can of this lot so i got enought to last while i got my next lot going, also money is tight so dont want to buy anything thats not gonna do the job, ive been told Hesi 13/14 flower booster is ok might give it a try.
thanks again


New Member
If you want to increase your yield, increase your wattage. That may involve a heat issue to resolve as well.



Active Member
hey i'm sort of in the same boat. right now i'm using a 75%miracle grow/25% foxfarm ocean organic soil mixture with a 400w hps. I'm growing GDP and Purple Kush and all the plants are doing great. I originally planned for a 50/50 soil mixture but underestimated how much soil i was going to use. I've also been using the big grow, tiger and big bloom nutrients at about 50-75% strength. i had to flower the plants a couple weeks early and also didnt want to overfeed the plants because miracle grow already has nutrients in it. I'm going to be flowering for one more month. i've been bending some tops but is there anything else i can do to increase yield?


This is a question that AFOAF has also asked. and so far, the answers he has recieved are
"Sugars", ie, even white death. but brown sugar, mole-asses, and he heard today, from dispensary dude, JUICES. Yes, fruit juices not from concentrate. As soon as dude said it, AFOAF was like "Fuck yeah!"
"Watts", but they have 2k in a 4'X8' thats not it, with them
"Strain"..Sure, makes sense. But, when AFOAF asked for advice on a high yielding strain for heavy pain, he was told, "Ahhh... most of the good pain meds, like the OG's, arent known for their heavy yield", which at least made AFOAF somewhat comforted in that the hella low yield of some strains relative to the yield of the others made a bit more sense"
another friend of a friend of a friend mentioned airflow, both in and out.
hope these help a bit, and any other tips are more than welcome

Gary Busey

New Member
More lights. Better lights. High yielding strains. TLC.

Hey Guys, can someone give me some advice on some of the best products to use to increase my yeild, i am 3 1/2 weeks into flowering and would like to know can i add some extra nute to do this?? if so whats ones are the best? :wink:


Well-Known Member
^Listen to him, he's right. There are no magic nutes that boost anything, either they need something, or they don't, and if you're feeding them a decent bloom fert, in the right doses, you're doing it right. Light, is the best addition you could choose right now, because obviously, you can't change the Addong more light, is the main way to get the processes moving faster, and hence...more yield. Adding more nutes could possibly slow them down, if they are already well fed, and don't have the additional light needed to make use of 'em. Your lights are your 'throttle', so to speak, and the nutes are the gas, the more you presses down on the throttle(add more light), the more gas(nutes) they'll suck down.


Wow, AFOAF didnt notice either. Ooops.
But this is a subject he is interested in, and has just recently begun to get the feedback he needed. He also neglected to add that he heard larger pots(They mostly use 3 gal smart pots, reused from the past grow...but will prob use those grow-bags if they dont make their own smart-pots...), And, of course, vegging longer(height isnt an issue, anymore)
Again, sorry to resurrect an old thread, but any feedback would bee great(no need for another thread!)