Increasing infusion concentrations


New Member
Hey all. Posting for the first time. I am experimenting with creating edible infusions with maximum thc concentration. I have a local lab I can use for testing, but it's expensive, so only want to test experimental results when they might significant.

So far I have gotten roughly 20mg/ml. Will verify that next week. Would like to double this concentration. Thinking of making an ethanol based tincture, evaporating off the alcohol and water, and the dissolving the concentrate in an appropriate qty of mct oil, to result in a 40mg/ml infusion, more or less.

I've considered various evaporation techniques and am unresolved. Am very interested in feedback, suggestions, admonishments, etc. Somebody teach me!
We made tinctures using QWET extraction and various vegetable and nut oils. You will get some separation because the alcohol is more polar than the oils, so dissolves some things that the oils don't.
LOL... that is so funny. What a classic thing to do, particularly on a cannabis forum. Sorry I missed the connection. I'll check out the new version. Thanks so much.