Increasing Yields / Bud density - 1st time grow


New Member
Hey All,

Im looking for some advice for my first time grow. Ive got 2 Acapulco gold Feminized plants that are going on there 10th week of veg. For lights, I started with just a 300W LED light which came with the tent, and just recently (2 weeks ago) purchased a 1000W LED S-1000 Sunraise grow light.. Ive topped the larger plant three times, and the smaller plant twice. I've been LST both plants and plan on switching the lights to 18/6 after the new year and then 12/12 a week or two after. Both plants are in 3 gallon smart pots with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, and i'm also using their nutrients (Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom). I use the fertilizer every other watering and they have been responding well! These plants are in a 32x32x63... Temp is been steady between 70-75 Deg and humidity between 20-30%.

I'm seeing if any of you have any advice on increasing my yields / bud density without breaking the bank. I thought about buying another 1000W grow light as the plants have responded great since I purchased it, but not sure if thats over kill or not for the size of my tent?? I've also researched adding CO2, but not really sure where to start with that without a CO2 meter... or am I overthinking this and just keep doing what i'm doing?

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance - cheers!


Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Yeah don’t even fuck w/co2 unless you’ve got a built in sealed room with decent lighting and even then it’s only worth it unless ROI is your goal. You can grow big buds without co2. Not going to make it with those blurple led panels either so your best bet is to train the plants to fill out a screen. Aka scrog or screen of green...
There are other ways to get maximum yields through LST, light manipulation, and monster cropping but without lighting intensity strong enough to penetrate a deep canopy you will have lanky “overgrown” plants with big spaces in between the nodes. You are doing ok with what you got; I suggest to save your money for a COB style LED or quantum board instead of blowing it in another panel. No way that’s 1000w output. I have a similar light that claims the same wattage. They put 100 leds in a panel and say they are 10w each in order to claim 1k watts but it doesn’t really put out anywhere near that. It’s a good light for vegging but you’ll see how it does in bloom phase. Concentrate on keeping them healthy and green for this run. Yields come with experience...and usually more wattage.


I would also change to a 5 gal pot or bigger for that veg time. Your going to have to train those plants constantly as they will easily hit 6' and you also need to crank up your humidity to 50% with lights on and the heat to at least 80. I found that landrace strains from the south and Africa for that matter prefer higher temps and humidity. I did my Columbian Gold at 85 degrees lights on 75 lights off and ran 60-55% humidity in 5 Gal pots with a 4 week veg. They were 6' tall and I didnt add the scrog net until I moved them to flower.