Incredibly helpful videos


Active Member
So I was browsing around last night and came across an excellent site:

How To Videos on Wonder How To - Instructional Video Tutorials & Hacks

Basically the site has a ton of "How To" videos, all for free.

Searching "cannabis" or "marijuana" will get you tons of results and some really helpful stuff. The only issue is that some of it is deemed "adult only" so you've gotta register/use BugMeNot to get to the actual vids.

Video #1 on cloning: How To Clone cannabis | Wonder How To

Video #2 on cloning: How To Clone marijuana | Wonder How To

Video on hash/honey oil: How To Make cannabis honey oil | Wonder How To

Video on cannabis butter:
How To Make marijuana butter | Wonder How To

Videos on grow room design/the whole process:

How To Grow marijuana | Wonder How To

How To Set up a hydroponic grow room & grow chronic marijuana | Wonder How To

I took my first ever round of clones yesterday after watching the videos. Hopefully these haven't been posted before and if they have, my apologies ;)
