Indian Hemp Revolution

I am a political activist in support of First Nations Liberty and Trade through commerce, Our focus is the six nations of indians and building a better and stronger community by self sustainability and job creation.

My personal goal is to convert one of many unused factories along lands that are under claim by the Six Nations Indians, and challenge the jurisdiction of the Corporate Crown and its sub-corporations. Our Nations do not have any treaties that limit our potential for trade or exclusion of any product that is available to us, [However we have had an unspoken embargo imposed on us since the beginning, and we have been put on canada terrorist watch list by yeah right!!!!]We can grow and sell/trade it lawfully but as soon as a canadian has possession it would then become contraband and possession of an illicit drug, However my personal view is that we are all part of creation and our nation has the right and power to create a enviroment that would force the government to work harder to acomadate the need for ripping up unjust legal mumbo jumbo that is only lawful by your consent, to be apart of that society is to volunteer your loyalties, do they deserve it? can they regain it if lost?

Because our Nation is sovereign and we have inter treaties that guarentee free will, we also never signed any international agreements not to produce hemp, unlike most countries and nations of the world.

I propose a radical change in government through strength through brotherhood and peace, Ill add my thoughts when I can share more.

The base of my case for fair use is that our nation has had a thousands of years cultivating the plant so its about shutting down a way of life which is Genocide, our brother nation and one of the six nations of indians is referred to as the "hemp people" so you tell me if we have a proper claim to grow in abundance and trade and sell it.

If the indians start to make money, you can bet your ass the government will jump in and either put a stop to it, or start their own factories.

Im a sh** desterber if you cant tell


Active Member
The best of luck too you in your endeavor. I would love to see hemp legalized, I think nothing but positives would come from it's legalization. The amount of pollution reduction would be one of the greater achievments from it's legalization. So keep up the fight!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The Pine Ridge folks tried growing hemp and used their sovereign status as a defense. The Feds moved in and destroyed the crops.