Indica or Sativa


Active Member
its more than likely a hybrid!! rather than a pure indica or sativa, but id agree the leaf structure at the minute leans more towards the indica side of things.


Well-Known Member
It's a hydrid although it's indica dominant it has sativa traits also such as the spacing in the blades.

Avon lee

Active Member
Well they're supposed to be indica! (og & purp)
but they kinda look like the same strand! I planted
the seeds(without germinating) and they both sprouted
the next day. They are only about 5 days old but in my opinion
The growth has been fast! I've had mostly SATIVA seeds
throughout my grows. These are the first plants I've had
that looked like this and I've grew at least 10 plants and none
have had this STRUCTURE! Im hoping they actually are Indica or
at least indica dominant. I've heard it was too early to tell
but im really hoping its indica as I've really(to my knowledge)only
ever grew sativas! Hopin for the best tho!!!

Avon lee

Active Member
Im thinkin about transplanting soon. Wanted to change me soil. Unfortunately they don't carry brands like FOXFARM or HAPPYFROG. I've grown in Miracle grow organic soil b4 and despite the negative things I've read about it, my grow was great! My last grow was in Scotts organic soil and I must say I HATE THAT SHIT! It stays wet,cold and tight. Like mud! Plants started off ok in it but soon turned into a sloooooow roll!
So seeing that I can't get a hold of the 2 preferred soils..
Also.... Indica or Sativa???



Well-Known Member
Well, the answer is; we can't. ;)

Looks stretchy, like a sativa
Wide leafed, like an indica.
But definite fun!


Active Member
I would say sativa I've only grown indicas my leaves are always a lot shorter than those look IMO dominant sativa goodluck man