indoor 250w white widow cabinet 2nd grow 22 day into flowering


Well-Known Member
howdy growers
toke up bongsmilie

I have started my second grow! whoopie!! xD
I'm a noob looking for guidance how to grow better :leaf: I hope I'm in thie right place :)

My space is 40x60 cm (15x24"), 250w hps in cooltube. temps are 24-28 max. You could prolly laugh how small the space is, but I figure since I grow only for myself this is big enough :-)

I grow in biobizz soil & nutes. I know it's not the best, but I'm actively looking for better options, while i grow my weed :weed:

I grow a single WW. It's 22 days since I switched to 12/12 & I just have removed all big leaves.
This is only my second grow! Any comments are very very welcome :bigjoint:






Well-Known Member
Hi Guys
this is update flowering day 38
She's getting very nice lemon smell. I'm very glad of her :)
I think next time I would like to make her more bushy, so that the net is covered more with buds.
I estimate she's ~3 weeks away from harvesting. Today I finally got my 60x magnification glass, so I can finally post a picture of trichromes! xD

After she's done, I already have a bubblegum clone rooted and waiting for free room under hps :D

What do you think?





Well-Known Member
thanks man! :D

due to very limited space I am looking for the best grow technique for me & I'm experimenting :)
This time I have decided to grow under the net too and see what quality and what amount of extra bud I can get.

So I got rid of all fan leaves right after strech was over ~20 days into flowering. I can now see, that harvest will be a pain..
The idea is, that growing during vacations will be difficult due to high temps, so I'm trying to grow as much weed as possible right before those high temps kick in.

So I hope the extra effort will payoff :weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
next time everything in my room is getting undergrowth removed at 3-4 weeks, I cant deal with as much U/G as I have! Good Luck on the vacation


Well-Known Member
howdy fellow growers

this is update flowering day 46

buds getting nice and fat, but no amber trichromes yet

I estimate it's ~2weeks to harvest, possibly a little longer.

I start to notice nutrient defficiencies, but I'm a little afraid to give her more

I read on internet it's natural. Any advise?

Sorry for crappy hps photos - the plant is rigged there for good, can't take her out for glamour



Following FrozenChozen suggestion, next time I will try to maintain her in a way to prevent undergrowth. This time it will have to stay like it is. Can't wait to smoke her :)

I'm a little puzzled with no amber trichromes, which leads me to belive that actual harvest time might be later then I estimate. But we will see. This time I want to get close to ~50% amber trichrome ratio.

Meanwhile in veg room, I got 2 Serious Bubblegum clones (sativa dominant) both females - one of them will become a mom, while the other will become my smoke :D any suggestions? xD




Well-Known Member
howdy fellow growers

this is my lady, flowering day 57 xD

I finally notice first amber trichromes :D not sure how much longer it will take to 50% ratio. Any suggestions?




Well-Known Member
Hi Guys, this is Badtorro again with another update

Its day 68 of flowering.

It's taking a bit longer then I exptected & longer then seed bank website suggests. From the pics, it's obvious to me it's not yet time for harvest. If I estimate this right, she will need another 2-3 weeks including flushing. That kinda sucks, as all in all it will take around 90 days of flowering @_@ It's indica :/

I think with this strain it's is the last time I grow it.

The buds have a nice citric smell to it. Up until now it used to smell with just "plant" smell if you know what I mean. Now it's pure and simple MARRY J. It's very very obvious now. I think I will need to think about some odour control for next grow.

Also right after this grow is over I will move the net a bit higher to give more room for plant vegging & bring tops closer to the lamp.

Anyway, here's some bud porn :-)

Let me know what you think guys

DSC_3110-4.jpg DSC_3100-3.jpg DSC_3098-2.jpg DSC_3092-1.jpg


Well-Known Member
What breeder?

all comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. all content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic.


Well-Known Member
this is white label, sensi seeds

I know, it's not top breeder, but I had to start with something..

im just wondering if the long flowering indicates sativa hybrid or just weak genetics


Well-Known Member
this is white label, sensi seeds

I know, it's not top breeder, but I had to start with something..

im just wondering if the long flowering indicates sativa hybrid or just weak genetics
probably a more sativa dominant hybrid or just a more sativa dominant phenotype.....


Well-Known Member
Hey its looking good my friend! Im interested to see what you yield, because im rockin the ol 250watter also. Ill def be checking out the rest of the grow.


Well-Known Member
howdy fellow growers :-)

This is Flowering update day 73

The plant looks beautiful - everywhere you look you see buds, this is the point of scrog, but still amazes me (this is my 2nd grow ever).

Finally the pistils get shorter. I still notice new pistils here and there, but those are getting rare. Trichromes under 60x magnification look like a needle pin. All are milky & look like baloons on thin legs. There are 0 clear trichromes & about 10 % amber.

Theoretically I could start flushing now, but I feel like this is still too early :-/ she smells very sweet & I really cant wait to chop her down :D
I will try to stay zen about it & give her 1-2 weeks more.
It's just super strange for indica to take this long :S

here's some bud porn

DSC_3146-2.jpg DSC_3146-1.jpg DSC_3151-3.jpg

peace :)

thanks for all the comments!


Active Member
I can imagine your frustration but hang in there.

I also just started my first grow and I'm hoping the entire thing will take four months, I doubt I could handle 3 months of flowering.


Well-Known Member
yeah, with first grow I obviously made a lot of rookie mistakes & couldn't blame the plant.
but this time.. mhm, I have a feeling this strain is crap & need to look for a better breeder.
this is the last time I grow this strain, definitely not a keeper.

Right after this one is over I got a clone of ss bubblegum ready
And after bubblegum I will try indica again, just not decided yet between white russian, kosher kush & la confidential ;-)


Well-Known Member
hi guys

this update flowering day 79 -,-

I start to run out of weed & I feel like stop waiting for the plant to get ripe and start flushing her.

Tomorrow or Sunday is the time of next watering & I have to make a decision by then.

I also read that switching her from 12/12 to 13/11 could speed up things.

So I'm wondering if it makes sense to start flushing her this weekend + switch to 13/11 & leave it this way until chopping.

Any thoughts?

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