Indoor Afghan advice... (time-line/etc).


Hoekay, first off, my bad on not browsing the forum for the answer I'm looking for from another thread, but nonetheless, here we go.

Not long ago I purchased 10 indoor Afghan seeds with obvious intent. Around a week ago, maybe less, I planted one in a 7-inch high pot with Miracle-grow compost in it, only... then added a little water.

I put it up in MY roof-space/attic/etc in a plastic container with a 12-inch high compacity. (Obviously, once the plant showed signs of growth I would transfer it).

Haven't placed water in it since, will do later. But, I am COMPLETELY new to practical growing. (I've done my research, though). So, as you can understand, i'm sort of sceptical whether or not this will be a success, lol.

Anywho, I put the seed about 2 inches into the soil, maybe more, not much though. & last checked on it about 3 days ago, where it had yet to surface above the compost. (Remember, it's been planted a week, max).

I have the pot about an inch of the bottom of the container with cloth etc under it. (to work as a drainage-like system).

My plan is to eventually buy a grow-box as soon as I see some progress with this one (I haven't touched the other seeds yet) so I know it's definitely worth it to invest in.

But anyway, I need some help on a growth time-line through each stage, what I should do at each stage etc, etc.

- Expected date of stem, leaf and budding formulations.
- Tips on how I should go about the growing.
- Neccessity purchases?

Just some friendly advice, y'all.



i think you should read more. sorry i couldn't help but you could get a million answers
I have been reading.

I'm just looking for more sources of information, hence why I'm here.

Most of it, I know... I'd just rather get some input from casual everyday-life growers, smell me.


Well-Known Member
If you didnt germinate the seed first it can take 2-3 weeks before it does on its own and germinates.


Well-Known Member
You may want to rethink using straight compost, it gets a little warm, specially on young seedlings, this should really be used only on rooted plants with a firm start, and mixed even than with some peat moss using no more than about 25% compost. For youngins you can use peat moss with some perlite and vermiculite, nothing with too much nitrogen like compost has. As for your other questions, you will get leaves pretty fast if they healthy, 2 weeks you should have fully formed little plants. After about 2-3 months they will be mature and have preflowers, at this time its ok to flower them on 12/12 light cycle. How hot does it get up in this attic? You wanna try and keep temps in the mid 70s to low 80s max. What kinda lighting are you planning on going with? HPS and MH are best with HPS being top choice, but this will require something to control heat especially in an attic. Try to get some ventilation as well, they wont do well in stagnant air. A good light cycle for building the plants up is 18/6 than as I said before 12/12 for flowering. Ill check in again when you respond to questions I asked good luck with the seedlings.


Definitely take longer to break soil since seed wasn't germinated first. And might jus be me, but 2 inches down seems a bit far. I don't go past a half inch, and I've read other threads where people plant 2-5 mm.

Try wrapping seed in wet paper towel, then place the towel in a sandwich bag, and set on a windowsill for 2 maybe 3 days. The "thing" poking out of the seed is the root, once u have this, plant in pot, root pointed down, no more than half inch below soil. should break soil in approx. 1-2 days.

Need to have lights ready though, so that you don't experience a lot of stretching right away. Too much stressing with weak stem will cause.....DEATH.

Read in Newbie central area, FAQ's, etc. There's a lot of information, that many members of this site took time to make. Helped me out alot!

Good Luck