Indoor growing advice


First indoor grow....just curious for those who have done an inside grow,do it really start to smell that bad with just a single plant without a ventilation system? A little smell aint a problem but a strong smell might also lol.Also,im about A week in for my indoor grow and shes got her first to leaves...any good tips/advice for keepin her growin nice in the early stages of growing? Thanks! Seems alot less maintence like my other plant outside where i just make sure shes watered and occassionaly pinch off my fan leaves


Ursus marijanus
Weed is a lot like people that way. Once she hits puberty, break out the deodorant!! It does vary from strain to strain some, but ripening bud just smells. Distinctly. I use an ozone generator on my exhaust to control the staaaank, because I have that bit of equipment. The popular modern way is to use a charcoal filter.

As for keeping your baby happy ... you'd be amazed how many fold up from being loved to death. If you keep her lit, watered, not freezing not scorching, you should do fine.

Imo it's better to underfeed a little, figure it out, correct the situation ... than overfeed, not know what happened, set yourself up for repeat failure. Jmo though. Spend the meantime doing online research on nutrient deficiency and poisoning by element, so you know what healthy and sick plants look like. Hope this helps;
cheers 'neer

Want more answers? Help me out. Strain? Soil? (What kind?) container size? How lit?


Friend gave me a bunch of seeds and my outdoor plant which i will be harvesting in another month is a cross breed of haze and northern lights,shes so beautiful and smells sooo damn good so i figures outdoor season is almost over here on the east coast so i decided to do a grow in my closet...somethibg bout the way it grows is so fascinating to me as gay as it may sound lol but good looks for the info brotha!


Active Member
Strain is everything on this.

They have some strains that are actually "low smell" during growing.


Ursus marijanus
...somethibg bout the way it grows is so fascinating to me as gay as it may sound
Not at all. Growing plants are things of beauty.
I had one Northern Lights ... not very stinky but still she had that seductive intoxicating haaaaaaashy smell when she was coming to term. I salivate upon my keyboard just thinking about it! Many luck with your grow!! Peace -
cheers 'neer