Indoor Mini Grow - 5 x 2 tent (2) - 12 Babies

First grow journal here, so hang with me. Always looking for tips and advice, so no worries.

-(2) 5x2 tents (Tent A/B)
-8in exhaust fan, duct connecting both tents together air wise.

Tent A:
-600w dimmable ballast at 75%
---> 18/6 lights on/off
*4-5 weeks
^Strains: -4 Purple Bob Marley, -1 Flo, -1 GSC

-Tent B:
---> 24/7 lights on
*2-3 weeks
^Strains: -6 Mandarin Sunset

Temp 75-82
Humid 30-40
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Background Info:
Second to third grow, give or take. 1st two times went big with a huge 6x6 tent, got about 2-4 ounces each time. This turn I am downgrading to two smaller tents, for space, and curiosity as to the yield and size difference. Last time I was going 5 gallon pots, now I am maybe at a gallon max on all pots in this grow. Also, I have never used anything other than CFL for veg, so this will be a first for MH.

Tent A:
I have never really messed with my plants in terms of topping, which is what I did for tent A from a week on, along with a ghetto SOG trellis netting setup which I have since taken down and turned instead to some LST. Growth seemed a little slow, so I upped Tent A to a 600W MH bulb on a 600w dimable balast set to 75%.

After turning from SOG to LST, I got a little to carried away with some lollipopping, to what you could label extreme, I think for taking off this much growth in veg so early. Or maybe not? I guess that's why I am partially here.

Side note, PM from the get go! Dispo I got these cuttings from must have them in there genetics, grow room, something, because I've gone through two tents both brand new, same problems, same clones, same store. Why I kept buying them, I'm cheap, as you can tell by my ghetto lights. Anyways, I sprayed them with around 1tsp/gallon of green cure prior to the MH light upgrade, and it went slightly away for a while, but has come back with a vengeance lately! I will most likely spray tonight again fully covering the bottom and tops plus stem of the plants in Tent A.

Tent B:
Man, let me say, these craigslist clones I found, almost beat any dispo I've gotten clones from before somehow haha. The person I got them from must be really doing something right. Not only are they bigger than what is in Tent A at the same time in veg, but they look so much healthier, thicker, and ready to blast off. Whereas, Tent A looks like a nursing home for the neglected. Upon researching this strain, it is said to have amazing insomnia, and anxiety reducing benefits, which is what I look for in my medicine at all times aside from quality, taste, and smell.

**This being said, join along on this learning experience as I strive to grow these babies to around the 3.5-4ft mark if I can in these small, discreet tents :) Happy Growing - Swisher Sours
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Tent A update:

Seems they are slowly starting to recover from the excessive trimming I conducted as an attempt to accelerate growth and rid of pm. I can see some new green forming on the taller plants, which seems to be a good sign. However, I am worried about the smaller two being permanently stunted, we shall see with time.

There are also signs of pm on some of the leaves which have remained after the over kill trim. I may spray tonight when lights are off 1tsp green cure per gallon. This will mark the second spray.

Another thing I noticed was that some leaves are cupping inwards, of shrinking and curling downwards on the larger plants. (CIRCLED IN RED) Perhaps this is shock of being trimmed so heavily and will go away in a few days? I can only hope.

