indoor moving outdoor


Active Member
i got some plants on the go atm and im gonna move them outside when the weather gets good, which wont be till june, so im growing indoors till then. right now im fearful as anything could happen, and i cant see myself getting a good crop this year, i mean 30+ good size plants. right now i got 30 nirvana white widows 10 inches tall (almost 2 months old) with a few 9 pointer leaves, almost no branches as i sog them all in 16 ounce cups, i got another 30 white widow going, 2 weeks old with 3 point leaves.

with all that said im planning to sex them once they all get a decent size. but it never seems like i have enough, i want more plants. i got auto flower seeds but dont know when to plant them, wait or plant now.

my only concern is the summer aint long enough and i wont get anything with the plants i got.
eastcoast canada has some random weather and we can only grow 3 months in the summer.

advice plz
advise...? grow sannies herijuanna up in canada. Very early finisher here in MI in Canada I would think it would also be the cats ass. More advise is dont be givin em more then 16 hours of lights on in the house if transplanting outdoors or they will wanna flower.

More advise is make sure to harden off...get em used to sunlight slowly with the help of shade.
My advice is start some clones. When they get big enough, take clones from all or a few and put those in labeled solo cups. Label everything with strain & number. You can put quite a few cuts in those solo cups, just make sure only cuttings from one plant per cup so you dont mix them up. Then 12/12 your already started plants, and as soon as you can sex them switch back to your veg light cycle. Toss all the plants that end up male, unless you want to get some seeds. Then go back to your solo cups and separate all your clones that ended up coming from your female plants. Give those clones lots of love and you should be able to have decent amount of female clones, at least 12" ready for the ground by June. June is when I plant too. Good luck, I hope that helps.
Start seeds or clones indoors. Veg for at least 3 months. Put up a hoop house, transplant the girls outside in late May, and start light dep first week of July. Plants will finish late Aug or early Sept.