Indoor/Outdoor Hybrid Grow?


New Member
I'm planning an outdoor grow In Portland Oregon which is 45 degree latitude, maritime temperate Mediterranean climate, dry summer. Rains begin without fail mid October and plants must finish by then or weak light and rain guarantees botrytis. I've done it successfully before without greenhouse but would like to be able to grow longer flowering strains and avoid bud rot. I understand about light dep, but I'm considering a different strategy. Plants start indoors and flowering is initiated there, then are moved outside to enjoy the cheap and powerful summer sunshine around mid July with at least a month of flowering already accomplished. It seems easy, is there anything I'm missing? Tips or personal experiences trying this?
Thanks for the reply, what I'm aiming at is putting them out after they would start flowering outside anyway but give head start. Adjust indoor darkness time to match length when I set thrm out. Maybe not possible...