indoor to outdoor ( NOOB QUESTION )

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
So i have decided next season i am going to be ordering some feminized Og Kush seeds and maybe some others.
I was wondering if i could start them indoor and them move them to outdoor, i would like to know if possible what i should have set up in my grow room (what lights [watts and what kind], fans, co2 filter?).
I am planning on starting to grow in february and planting them outside around the end of may beginning of june.
Id also like to know what i should set the lights at I've heard 18/6 but I'm not to sure (I'm planning on planting them outdoors when the light cycle is around 14/10).
If I've missed anything important that i should plan on doing please let me know


Well-Known Member
I grow my clones under 16/8 lighting if they are intended for outdoor use. 6am-10pm

Most strains will stay in veg with that many hours of light. They will be close to flower, and that is what you want. The goal is to keep them in veg with a short amount of lighting hours. So that the Photo-period is not altered by more then 2 hours when you plant.

I put my clones out when there is 14 and 1/2 hours of daylight around the middle of May.