indoor with 6 26w cfl/ want to put outside now and again


Active Member
i have a female flowering a month and a minor problem with spider mites but its under control with alc/h2o. but its getting too hot in my closet reaching 100 and humidity 50-60% leaves are starting to turn brown on the edges and wilting ive been letting it go outside when the sun is out for the most part of the day with sunlight /no shade. will help get fresh air too. will that stress it out or will the sun work better than cfl at this point. thinking about just leaving it outside too till fall. any suggestions i would appriciate it alot. and will this help with bigger buds or more quanity or quality


Active Member
dont want any chances it will turn hermi so should i alternate or just leave in room at 90-100 degr or leave out side whith moon lights and street lights


Well-Known Member
dont want any chances it will turn hermi so should i alternate or just leave in room at 90-100 degr or leave out side whith moon lights and street lights
How close is the time cycle you have your plant on now to the actual sun? I don't know much about indoor growing but haven grown outside for years. I think IMHO if the cycles are close you should be fine. The girls love being outside, just beware of moisture on your plant. Since you are going from a controlled room to the open you don't know how it will react to the rain, due and such. Many of your indoor strains have many problems outside. Hope this helps.


Active Member
thanks any more info 12/12 time is 9/9 pm and outside it gets light about 7/9dark for now getting darker eariler every day. Well tonight is the first time she seen outside after dark please work and not turn hermi had to kill 3 monster cuase they were males and she was the only on that was not and the smallest

luvvin growin

Active Member
as long as you stay within the photoperiod,you can move your plants around all you want.Just stay within the photoperiod,you'll do just fine.