Indor to outdoor lighting (Time changes)

Hello guys/gals, I have a question that I am hoping someone can help me with since Google yielded less than stellar results for what Im looking for. If any of the information you post in response is a guess or an assumption or anything not based on personal experience please clarify in your response so that I and others less experienced can atleast understand where the information is coming from and make the best judgment for ourselves the validity of said response. That being said, can someon please answer the following question

"If I start a plant from seed at 16/8 for 2 months (t5HO), take cuttings (still under 16/8), and finally after being rooted and allowed to grow for 2 weeks take those cuttings outside to grow in the natural light cycle that is currently 14/10... Will my cuttings go straight into flowering stage? or will they be able to hold out and get bigger until 12/12?"

Again, thankyou in advance to anyone who is able to answer this with a most definite answer, and if not I do thank you fro stoping by and checking out the thread. Best of luck to you all and as always

Keep it green,


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
good question Juan, and I'm not sure but my gut feeling says they would not go straight into flower mode, as the mother is still in the veg mode.

....if you don't get an answer here, try posting in the outdoor section, you may get more feedback mola Malaga