info on nutrient


Well-Known Member
hi all as some know i have af lowryder i have bio bizz grow and bio bizz bloom was wondering because they are af and start to flower almost straight away do i feed them both or wait for a bit longer before i give them bloom thanks


Well-Known Member
wait 7-10 day's after she show's her sex before bloom food and go slowly 1/2 strength at first!!go slow don't rush....


Well-Known Member
no prob showed sex 2 days ago only giving mabe a bit less than half strength of the grow as i think they needed N as leaves wer going a bit yellow will give bloom as you advised
thank you


Well-Known Member
clone's ready!!G13 LSD.jpgGood catch on the nitrogen yellow leaves are definately asking for food...keep posting pic's you will be amazed in 55-60 day's with the "little Auto" topped or not useually not for sog's wall to wall bud!! seed's are too costly I grow a seed crop once a year with different strain's and WOW>>>I use dutch passion and barney's for new pheno's......this is my 3rd grow with no seed's as cloning is so quick!these pic's are 8 day's apart!!!!wow Co2 and ff!!!!LSD 2nd batch Dutch Ultimate.jpghome depot T5's 14ea.and two 200 watt cfl's vege clone.jpg


Well-Known Member
For autos, I usually use grow nutes til she sexes and shows pre flowers then i transition (both grow and bloom) for a week. Then right into bloom nutes. Usually week 3 or 4 (sometimes later depending on strain) ill start transition. By week 4 or 5 I'm on bloom nutes.